The Warmest Romance

Chapter 1135

Chapter 1135

He raised his eyes and looked at Lord Luo and Yu Gubei. His body trembled involuntarily. He clenched his teeth and said, "what have you done to me?"

The corner of Luo Jiuye's mouth went up and condensed into a hook. His face was cold and terrible. "Yu Yimo, you are so" good "to us. We want you to taste the hell on earth!"

Hell on earth.

These four words explode in Yu Yimo's mind. His body shrinks and his ears roar. His eyes watch the thugs around him gather towards him, but his body can't make any movement according to the brain's instructions. He can only wriggle slightly, just like a worm.

At that moment, he felt unprecedented humiliation and despair.

Then, the fists and feet, the cold iron bars and even the daggers fell down. Somehow, the pain on him seemed to be magnified infinitely. Every blow was unbearable pain for him.

He had been trained before, suffered many injuries, suffered many knives, and left many scars on his body. Slowly, he became rough and thick, and his acceptance of pain was constantly enlarging. But now, somehow, his body is like poisoning, and the pain is so severe that it is hard to accept.

Is it because of the effect of the liquid that Mr. Luo Jiuye asked people to inject into him just now?

Before he had time to think about it, the pain in his body was increasing infinitely, and his eyes became more and more dizzy, almost fainting.

I don't know how long later, his body was completely wet by the water, and his whole body was cold. In a daze, he vaguely heard the conversation between Luo Jiuye and Yu Gubei.

"If you want me to see it, I'll end him directly!"

Yu Gubei's voice said, "Ninth master, what's the hurry? Isn't it too cheap for him to end it directly? "

"What do you say? Keep him, there will be no end of trouble! "

"He let us go through so much pain, my leg, your little thumb, where is this one life can change over?"

Yu Gu snorted coldly and said, "if I want to see him, I will throw him to the back of the green mountain to feed the wolf. Now his legs are broken, and he can't live. But his consciousness is still sober. It's the most interesting to let him feel the last despair."

The man's suggestion is extremely cold, which makes Yu Yimo feel cold, as if the blood in his body is going to be frozen.

How cruel his heart should be to come up with such a cruel trick!

Luo Jiuye was silent for a moment, and finally sneered and agreed, "Gu Bei, your method is really good!"

Yu Gubei's face didn't change and continued to say in a cold voice, "finally, of course, let him experience the pain of life before he dies."

Soon, it wasn't long before Yu Yimo felt that he was put on a hood and lifted up. He didn't know where to go.

Bumped for a long time, he heard the noisy murmur hazily, and then, his body was light, was thrown down.

His body fell to the ground with a bang, and his eyes darkened with pain, and he completely fainted.

At the same time, a scream came from the special plane going abroad.

Ruan Shishi suddenly woke up, pulled off the blindfold on her eyes, gasped, and her back was wet.


The voice of song yean's worry and concern came from the side. Ruan Shishi's chest rose and fell, breathing deeply. After a long time, he slowly recovered.


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