The Warmest Romance

Chapter 1144

Chapter 1144

Chapter 1144

Ms. Liu laughs and pulls sensenshasha into the room. Ruan Shishi takes a deep breath and walks in step by step.

Even when she arrived in Jiangzhou, her nervousness still did not disappear.

While senshasha and Professor Ruan are playing together, Ruan Shishi pulls Ms. Liu to one side. As soon as she sees her serious face, Ms. Liu probably guesses, "do you want to ask about Yu Yimo?"

Ruan Shishi inhaled deeply. Knowing that she couldn't hide from Ms. Liu, she had to nod her head, "yes, what's the situation of Yu family?"

Ms. Liu sighed and recited everything she had heard from the beginning to Ruan Shishi.

When Ruan Shishi heard it, she sometimes frowned and sometimes became angry. At last, when she thought about it carefully, her mother's version was not so authentic.

After all, what they know is what others want them to know.

In the evening, she left Xiqiao garden, bought a new mobile phone and a new card, and turned over all kinds of news on the Internet since that time, trying to find a breakthrough.

She didn't believe that Yu Yimo died like this.

Moreover, she doubted that all these things had something to do with Yu Gubei.

After a look, her eyes were a little sore. Suddenly, something flashed in her mind. She paused, picked up her new mobile phone and called the one she had lost at the airport.

The call is to get through, "Du -- Du --" rang several times, but no one answered. Just when she wanted to give up, unexpectedly, the mobile phone was shocked, and that end suddenly answered.

"Hello?" she said

The phone was quiet. There was no sound.

Ruan Shishi was stunned. Noticing the abnormality, she quickly took a look at the screen of her mobile phone to make sure that the phone was still connected. Then she put it in her ear and asked tentatively, "hello? Is anyone there

There was still a terrible silence. Ruan Shishi felt cold in his heart. He always felt that the person on the other end of the phone was listening, but it was impossible to speak.

It's strange.

At this moment, a broken female voice came from the microphone. It seemed that she was far away. She couldn't hear it clearly, but she could vaguely hear her say, "I'm today..."

The woman's words haven't finished, the other end cut off the phone without hesitation. josei

Ruan Shishi was shocked. She felt inexplicably familiar with the woman's voice on the phone.

It seemed that she had heard it somewhere, but she couldn't think of it for a moment.

At the same time, in the villa in the suburb and the study on the second floor, Yu Gu looks at the woman in front of him with a light and cold look in the north.

Lu Xiaoman took a deep breath and felt guilty.

Before Shao Zhuo specially told her to knock on the door before entering, but she broke in suddenly today.

She didn't know that Yu Gubei was on the phone, and judging from his face, it should be a very important call.

She took a deep breath and was about to apologize, "right..."


Yu Gu Bei raised his hand slightly, and his face was peaceful again. He even hooked his lips to her and reached out to show her to come.

Lu Xiaoman looked happy, immediately stepped forward and naturally held his hand.

They seem to be as sweet as ever, but Lu Xiaoman can feel that Yu Gubei is worried and gloomy.

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