The Warmest Romance

Chapter 1152

Chapter 1152

Chapter 1152

Half a second later, she continued to move as if nothing had happened and got on the bus directly. After telling the driver the address, the car drove slowly forward. She looked up at the rear-view mirrors on both sides and saw that the black car was starting slowly, not far or near, following them.

It seems that she should have been targeted. Nine times out of ten, she is Yu Gubei.

She clenched her fist slightly and felt a little upset. A moment later, she slowly calmed down and suddenly had an idea in her mind.

Yu Gubei can send people to follow her and watch her every move. She can also only make the actions and behaviors that she wants them to see.

There are advantages and disadvantages.

In a word, from this moment on, as long as she intends to find Yu Yimo's whereabouts, she must be careful all the time and not fall into the trap of Yu Gubei!

At present, Jiangzhou City Ye villa.

There was a violent noise on the second floor, followed by a sharp woman's scream. Sitting in the downstairs teahouse, ye Fengpeng was relaxing. His face became ugly with a frown.

After a while, a servant ran down from the second floor in a hurry, bowed her head and carefully reported to ye Fengpeng, "the second lady is losing her temper again, she is throwing things, we can't stop her..." josei

Smell speech, leaf Feng Peng eyebrow a pick, cold hum a way, "what does she want to do?"? Do you want to go against the sky? "

As he spoke, he stood up and strode to the second floor. As soon as he reached the stairway, he heard the banging sound of falling things in the direction of the bedroom. Suddenly, his anger became more intense.

He strode to the door of Ye Wan'er's bedroom, raised his hand to push the door. Unexpectedly, the door was locked directly from the inside. He tried several times but didn't open it, so he angrily ordered the servant to get the spare key.

In the waiting gap, he could not suppress his anger. He raised his big hand and patted the bedroom door directly, shouting, "ye Wan'er, what are you mad about?"

There was a pause in the sound of falling things. Within two seconds, more intense Ping Ping came out.

Ye Feng's whole body trembles. This period of time, because ye Wan'er has suffered a lot. It's just two days of leisure. I didn't expect to be disturbed by her again!

At this time, the door of the other bedroom next to him was suddenly pushed open from inside. Ye Zeyu came out from inside with a fierce face. Listening to the noise here, he rolled his eyes angrily, "what's the matter? She took the wrong medicine

"Dad! I was drinking with those shareholders until midnight yesterday. You didn't know that. I was woken up early this morning. I'm so bored! "

Listening to his son Ye Zeyu's complaint, ye Fengpeng twisted his eyebrows deeper. He turned to see the servant trotting over with the spare key. He was so angry that he drank coldly, "take it quickly!"

The servant ran up and handed the key.

As soon as he got the spare key, without saying a word, ye Fengpeng picked up the key and opened the door. He pushed the door open and stepped in.

The room is in a mess. Ye Wan'er, wearing a white Pajama dress with long hair and a haggard face, stands in the middle of the room. At first glance, she looks scary.

Seeing ye Waner like this, ye Fengpeng was even more angry. He gritted his teeth and said, "Ye Waner, what do you want to do?"

In a word, he thinks that the Ye family has been kind enough to her, because she divorced Yu Yimo. He even goes to seek justice for her regardless of the reputation and interests of the Ye family. This dead girl, in the end, doesn't know what to do!

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