The Warmest Romance

Chapter 1159

Chapter 1159

Chapter 1159

It is reasonable to say that grandma will not make a public announcement about this kind of thing. Otherwise, if she is known, she will set off an uproar. Moreover, once it is publicized, Yu Gubei's lies will be broken.

Looking at the trend of public opinion, we don't know about it, but ye Wan'er knows it. It's really suspicious.

If ye Wan'er also sent someone to take the DNA of the corpse for examination, this possibility is really small, unless

A possibility suddenly flashed through Ruan's mind. josei

She looked up at ye Wan'er and said in a low voice, "did you know that from grandma?"

Smell speech, leaf Wan son's face obviously flashed one silk flustered, two seconds later, her bluff of exaltation voice, cold voice way, "you tube how do I know?"

, every single word or phrase, said, "grandma can't tell you anything about this unless you put a line on her side."

As soon as her voice fell, ye Wan'er's eyes widened and she looked at her in surprise. Soon, her face turned into anger. "Ruan Shishi, you know everything, and you even set me up!"

she did put an eyeliner on Grandma's side. It used to be useful. I didn't expect it to be useful in this case, otherwise she would not have known so much.

The more she thought about it, the more angry she was. For a moment, her anger rushed to her head. She stared at Ruan Shishi and asked fiercely, "do you want to report me?"

Before Ruan Shishi could answer, she saw ye Wan'er angrily approaching her, holding out her two hands and grabbing her neck.

Ye Wan'er's action was too sudden. She was totally unprepared. She grabbed her neck and pushed back. The ground near the rockery was not smooth. She staggered back a few steps and almost fell.

Suddenly, her head "Dong" a knock to the rockery, the whole person was pushed back by Ye Wan'er can not retreat, the body against the rockery, no retreat.

Ye Wan'er clenched her teeth and said, "Ruan Shi! It's all because of you! It's because of you that I've become like this! Now you still want to harm me, want to go to grandma there to report me, I just can't let you succeed! Go to hell. Ruan Shishi, you should have died long ago! "

Her eyes were red, her whole body was occupied by anger, and she had no sense at all. Her hands were stuck between Ruan Shishi's neck, and she pushed her back.

Ruan Shishi just felt like a bundle of hemp rope tightly tied around her neck, which made her unable to breathe and cry for help. She reached out and tried to pull ye Wan'er's two hands away. However, she had great brute force, plus her position advantage, she was not her opponent at all.

She laboriously issued a voice, "Ye Wan'er, you are relaxed... "

The rockery is sparsely populated, so people usually don't come here. In addition, the two of them are hiding in the back of the rockery. People who come and go through the small park in the distance don't notice this side at all. Besides, Ruan Shishi's neck is strangled by her, and she can't make a loud voice, so she can't call for help at all.

Ye Wan'er's face was ferocious. She glared at her eyes and refused to let go. "Ruan Shishi, you should have died long ago! And your two wild seeds. If it hadn't been for song yun'an's protection last time, they would have been the ones lying on the sickbed and can't wake up! "

This sentence, like a thunderbolt, exploded in Ruan Shishi's ear.

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