The Warmest Romance

Chapter 1161

Chapter 1161

Chapter 1161

The man was silent for a few seconds, and then said, "it was Yu who arranged me to protect you secretly. Before you went abroad, I couldn't follow and protect you, so I was always at home. Two days ago, I learned the news of your return, so I continued to follow you and protect you secretly."

Ruan Shishi was a little surprised when she heard the words. Then a warm current appeared in her heart. Unexpectedly, Yu Yimo sent someone to protect her all the time.

But now, his own whereabouts are still unknown

Ruan Shishi was a little sad. She looked up at the man, took a deep breath, and said, "now Yu Yimo's whereabouts are unknown. I've been asking for clues these days, but I haven't made any progress."

The man hesitated for a moment and asked, "can I look for it with you?"

Ruan Shishi looked up at him. The man was not old. He seemed to be a few years younger than him. He was dark and honest. From his face, he could see that he was an honest and loyal man.

She asked, "what's your name?"

"Yu always calls me Xiao Meng."

Ruan Shishi nodded slightly and agreed, "OK, Xiaomeng, follow me and find Yu Yimo."

Now she is short of manpower. Besides, Xiaomeng is still Yu Yimo's subordinate. She knows more about many things than she does. Investigation can help her a lot. Moreover, this matter is not as simple as they think. Maybe she will encounter any danger in the middle of the way. She can feel at ease with him.

Xiaomeng's face finally changed a little. He said excitedly, "OK, Miss Ruan, I'll follow you in the future!" josei

Hearing his address, Ruan Shishi was a little embarrassed. She paused and said in a soft voice, "don't be so polite. I should be several years older than you. Call me sister Shishi in the future!"

Xiao Meng's eyes lit up and nodded immediately.

On the way back, Ruan Shishi and Xiao Meng have a conversation in the car. It turns out that he is an orphan who Yu Yimo once supported. His parents died when he was young. Later, he stayed in the orphanage for several years and was bullied because of his small size. Later, Yu Yimo saw him in an inadvertent charity activity and sent him to the martial arts school. He returned from his studies and wanted to repay Yu So he came to him and became his servant.

After listening to his story, Ruan Shishi was a little moved. For a moment, she wanted to find Yu Yimo more quickly. The misunderstanding, estrangement and unhappiness between them seemed to dissipate a lot because of this. She also began to learn to understand his involuntariness, his secret and the planning from his point of view.

In this way, it seems that Yu Yimo's decisions and words are no longer unreasonable and merciless.

Ruan Shishi was silent for a moment, sniffed, turned to look at Xiaomeng and asked, "do you have any clues over there? Or tell me anything you think might help. "

Xiao Meng was silent for a while, then suddenly thought of something and said, "as soon as general manager Yu disappeared, we also worried about him. Fortunately, brother long was there, and everyone was calm and waiting for news. Later, we all didn't believe that general manager Yu had passed away and died in an accident. During this period, we also tried to find him, but there was no progress "Exhibition."

He thought about it and then said, "at first, we checked Yu Zong's mobile phone signal address and found that the final address was in Qingshan temple. We went there and found Yu Zong's mobile phone in the corner of the hall of the temple. There was still a little blood on it, and nothing else was found."

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