The Warmest Romance

Chapter 1164

Chapter 1164

Chapter 1164

Ruan shidun, nodded, "you before the relationship is not very good?"

Su Yucheng did not hesitate, then replied coldly, "before the relationship is very good, but now it is not."

As he said this, a trace of impatience flashed through his eyes, and his smile gradually disappeared, leaving only cold and expressionless on his face. "Speaking of it, there's a reason why Yu Yimo and I broke up."

He deliberately said half of the words and looked at Ruan Shi with deep eyes.

Ruan took a deep breath and asked, "what's the reason?" josei

Su Yucheng looked at her and said in a cold voice, "because of you."

Ruan Shishi was stunned. Obviously, she didn't expect him to say that. Just when her mouth was slightly open and she couldn't speak, the man in front of her suddenly stepped forward to her and stared at her with unfriendly eyes.

"Because of you, he has done wrong again and again, even regardless of his own identity, his own interests and his own situation. I tried to persuade him thousands of times, but he never heard of it. Why should I be brothers with him?"

The man's sudden words surprised Ruan Shishi and subconsciously stepped back two steps. Then, she saw a smile on Su Yucheng's face.

"What brotherhood? In this way, it is estimated that in his eyes, it is not as important as an insignificant woman. "

Su Yucheng said this sarcastically. He laughed at himself, raised his feet and walked directly to the bar door. He opened the door and left Ruan Shishi standing in the same place.

Ruan Shi's heart is complicated. What Su Yucheng said just now turns and turns in her mind, which makes her taste different meanings.

At the same time, she was shocked. Did Yu Yimo really care about her as Su Yucheng said?

She stood in the same place for a long time, and finally had no clue, then left, as if she had never been to this place.

But invisible, her heart slowly made up her mind, she must find Yu Yimo as soon as possible! must do!

For several days, Ruan Shishi took Xiaomeng and others to search for clues, but Jiangzhou city was so big that they were like a group of headless flies, bumping around.

Only a few clues, a circle down, to the end can break through unexpectedly no, Ruan Shishi inexplicable headache, the mind can no longer think of any way.

Seeing her like this, Xiao Meng couldn't help persuading her, "sister Shi, don't worry. We'll find something again."

This kind of words, Ruan poetry in recent days do not know how many times have heard, she took a deep breath, tired pressed the temple, some depressed said, "if really can't find how to do?"

In addition to the people the old lady gave her, Xiao Meng's Yu Yimo, now she has more than a dozen people. These days, she's running around looking for people, but there's no breakthrough.

Xiao Meng was silent and didn't answer.

In a city, if one or two people want to hide, it's very easy. As long as they find a corner and don't show up, they may not be found for a lifetime.

But according to Yu Yimo's character, he is not the kind of person who shrinks his head to seek stability. The reason why he doesn't show up is that it's hard to hide or inconvenient to appear at such a time.

When the atmosphere fell into silence, Ruan Shishi and Xiaomeng did not speak for a long time. Suddenly, a sudden mobile phone ring broke the silence.

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