The Warmest Romance

Chapter 1173

Chapter 1173

Chapter 1173

After living here for more than a month, he consciously caused trouble to the abbot of the temple. Every time he thought of it, he felt that there was nothing in return. Now because he couldn't abide by the rules, he felt even more guilty.

Su Yu prejudice he moved fire, quickly advised, "OK, I tell you the truth, in fact, these things also know! I once told him that you need to recover. At last, he acquiesced. He just said that we should keep secrets in front of the little monk. "

Smell speech, Yu Yimo tightly pursed lips still did not relax, can see Su Yucheng this appearance, also don't seem to be lying, also didn't say anything.

Su Yu becomes convinced that he is no longer angry. He is relieved. He immediately asks Du Yue to sit down in front of the stone bench, and then pours a glass of wine for each of them.

"Well, we haven't had a drink together for a long time."

Then he picked up the glass and motioned to raise the glass, which means that he was indifferent. Later, he didn't know what he thought of, so he picked up the glass and touched it with them.

In a word, for more than a month, he has been living in a dark world, josei

all his emotions are depressing in his heart, and there is no outlet to express his excretion.

He picked up the glass and gazed at the clear liquid in it. Then he raised his glass and drank it.

Cold liquid down the throat to the stomach, soon set off a burst of hot.

Long time no see, strange feeling.

After three glasses of wine, the atmosphere on the table gradually eased a lot, it seems that under the blessing of alcohol, Yu Yimo's words also gradually increased.

When the three people talk about things, they just don't talk about practical problems, such as the current situation of Yu's group in Jiangzhou City, or the recovery of Yu Yimo's legs.

The three people's silence and laughter in the face of those bad things made them feel that they were back in their youth, and their relationship was getting closer.

Seeing two bottles of wine on the table, Yu Yimo suddenly reaches out his hand, picks up the bottle and fills it for himself. Then he looks at Su Yucheng, who looks more serious and serious.

"Yucheng, I offer you this wine."

Su Yucheng was stunned, obviously did not expect that he would suddenly be so serious to such a set, "old Yu, between us..."

Without waiting for Su Yucheng to say, Yu Yimo insisted, "even if it's a good brother, it's time to say thanks."

Had it not been for Su Yucheng, I was afraid that he would have been taken away by wild wolves and beasts, and there were no bones left.

Although the two of them broke up some time ago, and their brotherhood for several years broke up in an instant, later, it turned out that he was a good brother.

At that time, he was beaten by Yu Gubei and Luo Jiuye's people in turn. They beat him as if he were dead. His ribs were broken, his legs were broken, his whole body was bloody, and there was no good place in his whole body. He was thrown into the mountain, almost half disabled.

At that time, he almost felt that he was about to die, and he held on until the middle of the night, until a few beams of light came.

The moment Su Yucheng appeared in front of him, he thought he was dreaming.

They clearly said that they would no longer be brothers from now on. They were very stiff, but at last, Su Yucheng squatted in front of him, his eyes were eager, angry and resentful, and said to him, "Yu Yimo, please support me!"

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