The Warmest Romance

Chapter 1177

Chapter 1177

Xiaomeng agreed without hesitation, "good!"

Hang up the phone, Ruan Shi slowly clenched the phone.

All in all, she must go to Castle Peak. She always thinks that there must be some clues there!

When everything is ready, Ruan Shishi settles in Sensen and Sasha, and then goes out to meet with little Meng Longge. They will join her, and she will take two SUVs and go straight to Castle Peak.

On the way, Ruan Shishi felt a little worried. It seemed that he felt the tension of the atmosphere. Brother long took the initiative to adjust the atmosphere. "Sister Ruan, don't worry. These brothers are Yu Zong's confidants. It's absolutely no problem to go up and down the mountain, and we all brought professional tools. We just searched the Castle Peak. I'm afraid it will take a few days."

Brother long said, and took out a bundle of hemp rope with thick thumb from the direction of the rear compartment, as well as a box of field searchlights and first-aid kits and other things.

Ruan Shishi heard the speech, gave him a smile and said softly, "I believe you."

Then she hesitated for a moment, looked at brother long and said, "brother long, you are older than me, so don't call me sister Ruan, call me Shishi or xiaoruan."

Brother long, embarrassed, raised his hand to scratch the back of his head and said with a smile, "OK, I'll call you xiaoruan in the future."

Ruan Shishi nodded and said nothing more.

At this time, she subconsciously touched her pocket, and suddenly found that she had forgotten to bring her mobile phone. As the car was about to drive out of the gate of xiqiaoyuan, she said, "wait a minute!"

"I forgot my cell phone. I'm afraid I have to go back and get it."

Before leaving today, she specially charged her mobile phone, so that when she got to Castle Peak, she could take photos and record any suspicious places in time. But now, she didn't bring her mobile phone, so many things are really inconvenient, and they didn't go far, so it's still too late to go back and get them.

As soon as brother long heard this, without saying a word, he immediately turned around and returned to his car. The car stopped under the banyan tree not far from the villa. Ruan Shishi got out of the car and went to get it.

At the same time, a black car drove in from the gate of xiqiaoyuan and drove directly towards the villa.

On the bus, song yean was wearing a black casual suit. At the moment, he had a light cyan color and seemed to be tired.

While listening to the report of his staff in the earphone, he raised his hand and pressed his eyebrows.

Yesterday, because song yun'an's recovery treatment was unstable, he stayed up until midnight. In addition, he flew back to Jiangzhou city from abroad early this morning, and the rest time was only two or three hours. He was really tired and exhausted. action

Now, song yun'an's health has not fully recovered, and he still needs to stay in James's hospital abroad for continuous treatment. However, because Ruan Shishi has returned home, and Jiang Zhoucheng's recent events have happened one after another, he is worried and has to rush back immediately.

Because the flight time was too early, he didn't disturb Ruan Shishi. He thought that after coming out of the airport, he would go back to Xiqiao garden to meet them.

He inadvertently raised his eyes and swept to the familiar villa not far away. His eyebrows were a little more gentle. He said something to the person at the other end of the earphone and then took off the earphone.

Suddenly, his eyes narrowed slightly and his eyes focused. Finally, he landed on the black SUV not far from the window, which was parked under the banyan tree in front of the villa.

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