The Warmest Romance

Chapter 1190

Chapter 1190

Chapter 1190

Yu Gu Bei clenched his teeth, looked at the abbot in front of him and asked coldly, "where did he escape from? You must know, tell me josei

Zhenyuan still has no response.

Seeing this, Yu Gu goes forward and grabs his collar. "Hurry up, tell me!"

For more than a month, he has not been comfortable, because he has not found Yu Yimo's body. He has thought of thousands of possibilities. The worst possibility is that Yu Yimo is still alive. Although the probability is very small, it still makes his heart cold.

Unexpectedly, Yu Yimo is so lucky that he is really alive!

Last time he lost his hand, this time he can't make any more mistakes. He knows that once Yu Yimo returns to Jiangzhou, what a threat it will be to him!

Yu Gu North gas gushes up the head, clenched teeth, thought of what, to hand cold voice way, "go! Bring those little monks in for me

Soon, a few of them came in from the outside with two young monks in one hand. There were six or seven of them. The abbot of Zhenyuan immediately tightened his eyebrows and became serious.

I didn't expect that these people should be so cruel, even the children are not let go!

Yu Gu goes to a young monk and reaches out his hand to touch his head. He hums and laughs coldly, "abbot, you should think about whether it is your own person or protecting others."

As he said that, his hand on the little monk's head suddenly tightened slowly, and his five fingers pressed hard, just like squeezing a ball. Suddenly, the little monk's face changed, and he seemed to be in pain. He wanted to break away, but he was pressed on his shoulder by Yu Gubei's other hand.

He raised his eyes to Abbot Zhenyuan, and his voice cried out, "Abbot..."

Abbot Zhenyuan twisted his eyebrows and said in a deep voice, "stop!"

Yu Gu North sneer, "did not expect the host will be angry."

With that, he slowly released his hand, reached for a push, and almost pushed the little monk to fall.

With a smile, he looked at the abbot and said, "tell me immediately where they escaped from!"

Abbot Zhenyuan hesitated for a moment, and then estimated the time. He looked up at the hunchback monk Wu en and said in a cold voice, "take them to find out if it's the back door."

When Wu en heard the words, he immediately stepped out.

Several of Yu Gubei's men immediately follow up. They go around the yard and directly to the back door.

Because it had just rained, the land was muddy, and there was a lot of footprints in front of the back door leading to the outside in the courtyard.

Although it was messy, it was not difficult to see that it belonged to several people, and the footprints must have just been left.

This is the trace left by the escape.

His subordinates immediately go back to report the situation to Yu Gubei. Yu Gubei's face is gloomy and fierce. He immediately rushes to the scene to see the situation.

So a look, immediately, he had the bottom in his heart, clenched his teeth, cold voice command, "along this road, send people to chase!"

With that, he began to walk away.

Unexpectedly, without taking two steps, he suddenly stopped, immediately turned around and looked at the abbot, the old monk and some young monks in the rear.

He twisted his eyebrows slightly, and his anger could not be dispelled for a moment.

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