The Warmest Romance

Chapter 1192

Chapter 1192

Chapter 1192

On Su Yucheng face expression, Yu Yimo heart a tight, busy mouth asked, "how is the situation?"

Su Yucheng didn't speak directly, but stepped forward to Yu Yimo's side. After hesitating for a moment, he said, "it's not good news."

Yu Yimo was a little more serious. "What's the matter?"

"When our people arrived at Qingshan temple, there was no one in it. The abbot, Wu en and Zi Ji disappeared. Later, we found a pool of obvious blood on the ground near the back door. We don't know whose it is. We haven't seen the body yet. "

Just like a heavy stone, the words pressed hard on his heart and made him almost breathless.

No one, there is a pool of blood on the ground, just the most common association, I'm afraid this is also a bad ending.

Is there something wrong with the people in the temple? Will Yu Gubei let them go?

All kinds of questions hovered in his mind, he didn't have time to think clearly.

At this time, the door was suddenly pushed open, a su Yucheng's men came in and said something to Su Yucheng.

Su Yucheng's eyes sank and asked coldly, "are you serious?"

The other side nods hard, "yes, it must be her!"

With that, he also took out his mobile phone and motioned the photos to Su Yucheng.

Su Yu has a preconceived idea, the pupil contracted for a while, finally pressed and held the mobile phone screen, coldly way, "OK, I know."

Ruan Shishi, a woman, went to Qingshan Temple today. But how did she know about it?

Is it difficult that Yu Yimo's whereabouts are exposed by her? josei

He waved his hand impatiently. He wanted his men to leave, but Yu Yimo suddenly said, "wait a minute."

"What's the matter?"

The man in the wheelchair clearly saw what had happened and immediately asked about it.

Not wait for that hand reply, Su Yu achievement has preempted one step, said, "nothing, you don't have to worry."

With that, he waved his hand again to let his men back down.

Who knows, as soon as his voice fell, Yu Yimo's voice sounded again, "I just saw that he said the name of Ruan Shishi. What's the matter?"

Yu Yimo knows some lip language. Just now when he saw his subordinates report to Su Yucheng, he saw something.

Su Yucheng didn't expect that he could not continue to lie, so he had to come over and truthfully said, "as early as today, before Yu Gu came to the north, Ruan Shishi and a few people also came to Qingshan temple."

When Yu Yimo heard the speech, he frowned subconsciously, and a picture suddenly flashed through his mind.

Today, he seems to have heard Ruan's voice in the yard. At that time, he asked Du Yue if he had heard it. Could it be that Ruan's voice was already there at that time?

But what's she doing in the monastery? How did she find it? Is Yu Gubei also attracted by her?

At the bottom of his heart, a bit of complexity emerged. He slowly clenched his fist and could not speak.

Su Yu thinks that his face has changed, and he has already thought of his mind. He immediately digs away from the topic and diverts his attention. "I left my men to continue to search in Qingshan. I guess that the abbot may have temporarily hid for self-protection. Yu Gubei and them have no injustice or hatred. There's no need to kill them all."

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