The Warmest Romance

Chapter 1201

Chapter 1201

Chapter 1201

Who knows that she pushed Yu Yimo's shoulder too hard, but he slipped back and hit the wall behind him.

Ruan Shishi was stunned, and suddenly found that Yu Yimo was not sitting in a chair. Under him was a wheelchair with wheels!

She was shocked, and her mind was blank. She opened her mouth and couldn't speak.

Yu Yimo twisted her eyebrows. Naturally, she also knew that she had found out. A strange feeling came to her heart.

In the dictionary of Yu Yimo, there was no shame at all, but now, he realized this feeling.

For him, this is to destroy all his pride and capital in the past 20 or 30 years, and to trample on his dignity.

It's painful.

Ruan Shishi took a cool breath and said in surprise, "your leg..."

Yu Yimo's eyebrows and eyes drooped, and his body was cold and angry, "go out."

Ruan Shishi continued to ask, "Yu Yimo, what are you..." josei

Yu Yimo clenched his fists and suddenly raised his voice, "get out!"

For a moment, the whole room was dead silent.

A few seconds later, Ruan Shishi gritted her teeth and turned to leave.

The door slammed shut, implying that his tight body suddenly relaxed. He bowed his head and was immersed in complex emotions.

After more than a month of cultivating his body in the Zen academy, he thought a lot, including his legs. If his legs really can't recover in the end, what kind of identity should he come back to face the public? How to face her?

At this time, the door was pushed open. Su Yucheng stepped in and looked at the dark room. He could not help frowning and turned on the light.

When he saw Yu Yimo with his head down, he was stunned and asked, "what's the matter, old Yu? Did the woman say something about you? "

Yu Yimo looked up, saw him, and suddenly said, "Yucheng, do you think it's meaningful for me to come back to Jiangzhou?"

The loss of his legs also made him lose his life. He seemed to be reborn, but he was deprived of many privileges.

Su Yucheng frowned slightly, suddenly became serious, and sat down beside him, "Lao Yu, it's dangerous for you to think like this!"

Once upon a time, Yu Yimo never denied himself, but now he is not like him at all.

Su Yu said with a long mouth, "why is it meaningless? You should come back and let Yu Gu Bei experience everything you feel! Take back what belongs to you

"Besides, abbot Zhenyuan was killed by him. Don't you want revenge?"

"Besides, there's the old lady. She's in Yu Gubei's hands now!"


Su Yucheng's words are like a heavy hammer, which makes Yu Yimo's heart sink suddenly and wake up a lot in an instant.

Yeah, he's right!

Even for the sake of his family and benefactor, he can't just abandon himself and lose his determination to rise again!

Thinking of the woman who had just run out, he paused slightly and asked, "where is the poet Ruan Shi?"

Su Yucheng truthfully replied, "just ran out, and was caught in, looking at the mood is not very good, now people in the bedroom."

Smell speech, Yu Yimo silent for a moment, didn't say anything, a moment later, he whispered, "Yu Cheng, you contact brother long in your name, let them come here today."

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