The Warmest Romance

Chapter 121

Chapter 121

Ruan Shishi took a deep breath, but he couldn't help thanking him again

Hearing this, Cheng Zixiao frowned and interrupted her with some dissatisfaction, "didn't you call my name just now? Why did you change your tongue so soon? "

Ruan's lips moved and he didn't know how to answer.

"From now on, call my name." Cheng Zixiao said, suddenly stepped forward two steps, directly approaching her, said with a smile, "come on, this side is boring, I'll take you to dinner."

Ruan Shishi took a deep breath and whispered, "I'd better go home."

Cheng Zixiao picked his eyebrows and joked, "Ruan Shishi, do you have the heart to refuse me for the second time?"

Looking back on his long love history, he has never been rejected more than twice by a woman.

"I'm sorry, I've been married," she said

By implication, she is a married woman and does not accept provocation.

Cheng Zixiao smell speech, the bottom of the eye emerge a trace of fun, "but your husband is not very competent, see you are bullied, still indifferent."

Ruan Shishi's body suddenly froze and looked up at him incredulously, "you Do you know? "

"What can I hide from you if I want to?" Cheng Zixiao paused, "but I was surprised to learn about your relationship with Yu Yimo."

Hearing the three words "Yu Yimo" from his mouth, Ruan Shi was even more nervous.

Unexpectedly, their relationship was heard by others.

Ruan Shishi was a little short of breath, staring at him seriously, "you can't tell anyone about this."

Cheng Zixiao raised his lips and said, "why? It's not a shady thing

Ruan Shishi was a little worried, "in a word, it just can't be!"

Looking at the appearance of women being provoked, Cheng Zixiao thought it was more interesting, "then you have to promise me a request."

Ruan Shishi took a deep breath, "you say."

"If you want to have a meal with me, it's not today. You can owe it, but you can't break it, otherwise..." He deliberately prolonged his voice.

Ruan Shishi's brain was so hot that he said, "OK, I promise you!"

At this time, what she is most afraid of is that Cheng Zixiao will talk about her relationship with Yu Yimo everywhere, and then she will give Yu Yimo a big trouble.

Seeing her promise, Cheng Zixiao raised his eyebrows, "that's settled."

Ruan Shishi nodded and answered, "well."

At this time, it's up to him.

After Cheng Zixiao was sent away, Ruan Shishi returned to the exhibition area. The atmosphere was warm and everyone gathered in the innermost jewelry exhibition area.

Next to the huge display cabinet, there is a gem sculpture. At the end of the activity, everyone will take photos there.

Ruan Shishi stood by and watched a group of people go there, passing a trace of loneliness.

She's on her own. Let's go.

As soon as she turned around, a group of people came face to face.

Yu Yimo stands in the front, next to the representative of the organizer and Su Ling, the spokesman of the jewelry star.

Su Ling and Yu Yimo walk side by side. Without a few steps, they suddenly smile and come to Yu Yimo's ear and say something. Yu Yimo hears the words and hooks his lips.


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