The Warmest Romance

Chapter 1229

Chapter 1229

Chapter 1229

Then he took out the folder under his arm and handed it to Yugu north.

Yu Gu's face was gloomy and full of wind and rain. He clenched his fists slightly and looked at the woman with a head down behind Du Yue.

After a while, his eyes slowly moved away and turned to the share transfer.

He moved his lips and said, "what if I don't sign?"

Du Yue is not worried, youyou said, "you should guess the consequences."

Said, the next hand immediately pressed Lu Xiaoman's shoulder, as long as they gently push, she will be pushed off the rocks, be involved in the sea.

At this moment, Lu Xiaoman seems to have lost her soul. Just now, after such an experience, she seems to have stepped into the gate of death with half a leg. She is still in shock, and her mind is slack. Now, she is like a leaf that is about to fall. As long as she is pushed, she will disappear completely.

Yu Gubei's heart is hanging in his throat. Even though he clenches his fist to suppress his impulse, his pale face still betrays his confused heart.

He thought that when he faced the interests, women were not worth mentioning, but the false alarm just now really tried to find out his true heart.

Now he hated, hated himself too useless, should not, should not be moved to her.

Silent standoff between the two sides, one minute, two minutes, three minutes

As time went on, the sky became more and more gloomy. The dark clouds on the horizon not far away came down. In an instant, the whole world was shrouded in a repressive atmosphere.

Sitting in a wheelchair, Yu Yimo looks up at the sky in the distance,

his eyes also sink.

Every year at this time of the year, Jiangzhou city is full of thunder and rain. If we catch up with the bad weather, there will be typhoons or sea storms. Maybe the storm will come.

Yu Yimo's eyes move to the reef again, and he has no patience to look at the side that hasn't moved for a long time. He frowns and clicks the earphone to say something to Du Yue.

Du Yue already understood. He looked down at his watch and looked up at Yu Gubei again. "Er Shao, it's late. It's time to make a decision."

Yu Gu's hand clenched to his side, but he didn't know what kind of suffering he had experienced. He spent several years setting up this game, and finally swallowed up the whole Yu group. Now he was not willing to let it out.

But that woman

He looked at Lu Xiaoman, I do not know if it is because of telepathy, Lu Xiaoman also slowly raised his head, in the messy black hair, that pair of eyes seems to be able to penetrate the heart, with despair, disappointment and grief.

Her eyes, which used to be as bright as little orange lanterns, are now dim and lifeless. josei

Yu Gu Bei's heart hurt a lot, and he finally sank down and raised his hand slightly.

When Du Yue saw this, he immediately handed over his share transfer certificate. Yu Gubei took up his pen and quickly signed his name at the last signature. Then he looked away and didn't want to take another look.

After confirmation, Du Yue turns to Yu Yimo, nods to him slightly, and then signals brother long to release him.

It's a farce. It's coming to an end.

On the way back from the east coast, Ruan Shishi was huddled in the car, a little cold.

I don't know if it's because I've been blowing by the sea for too long, or because I've experienced too many terrible things tonight. In a word, her hands and feet are so cool that they haven't warmed up for a long time.

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