The Warmest Romance

Chapter 1231

Chapter 1231

Chapter 1231


Du Yue also laughed, "after that, I will call your name directly in private."


Then, the topic shifted to the main topic, "you said you wanted to tell me about Ann. What happened to her? How's your recovery going? "

Ruan Shishi turned his head and looked at him with clear eyes. "What I want to tell you is about you and An'an, not about An'an himself."

Du Yue Wei was stunned, and then he looked a little serious, "do you mean..."

"Do you still like Ann?"

"Do you still want to be with her?"

"Think about you and her future?"

Ruan Shishi threw out three questions in a row. Du Yue's eyes moved, swallowed his saliva, and said seriously, "like, want to be with her, want to be with her in the future."

Catching the light of the man's eyes, Ruan Shishi took a deep breath and said, "then you should listen to me. No matter what song yean will do, be brave to be yourself."

"What should I do?"

Ruan Shishi was silent for a moment and said, "I will help you, but before that, I want to ask you something."

Du Yue's face changed slightly, "what's the matter?"

Ruan Shishi's voice suddenly sank a lot, "five years ago, I was tied to the lighthouse on the sea, and then someone saved me. What's the matter?"

Smell speech, Du Yue this just suddenly understand, she big night will he called out, also not only for him and An'an thing.

"There is no order from the president about this..."

Ruan Shishi gently interrupted him, "Du Yue, if I want to know, I will always find out. Instead of that, you should tell me directly."

Du Yue hesitated and hesitated, and finally relaxed, "five years ago, the president almost lost his life for you."

In a word, deep hit the heart of Ruan poetry.

"The president had another identity at that time, which I can't disclose, but it was related to Mr. Luo Jiuye. In a word, when he was on a mission, he suddenly received a video, in which you were tied to the lighthouse, the tide rose, and you were drowned sooner or later."

"When we saw that video, we all felt that it was the other party's plan to divert the tiger from the mountain. On the one hand, it was the task, on the other hand, it was you. The president asked us to proceed according to the original plan, while he went to the East Coast to find you alone."

"He had deep-sea phobia, because he almost drowned in the sea when he was a child. At that time, the sea was in high tide, and it would not be long before he reached the warning line of the lighthouse. If he was late, you would die. The president had no choice but to go into the sea with his head firmly in his mouth. I don't know the specific situation in the sea. I only know that when we found him later, he fainted on the beach, breathing very hard Weak, we took him back. Later, he had a high fever for several days and woke up. After he woke up, you had left Jiangzhou. It's not convenient for me to disclose the later things. In a word, because of this, he suffered a lot of misunderstandings and lost a lot of opportunities. What's more important, he forced his physical and psychological fear and finally chose to save you... "

Du Yue's words are full of words. Ruan's poems are surprised, moved, hard to believe, but complicated.

If it wasn't for Du Yue's words, she wouldn't believe it. It turned out that five years ago, Yu Yimo had done so much for her. What's more, she didn't expect that five years ago, her life was not because of fluke, the gangster's guilty heart and fear, or the gangster got the money. He overcame all her fears and saved her life.

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