The Warmest Romance

Chapter 1403

Chapter 1403


Several servants panting ran to the door of the security post, blocking her.

Lu Xiaoman's eyes swept them coldly. He didn't struggle and didn't speak. He just let them buckle themselves back.

My aunt stood at the door, her face twisted together. Seeing that Lu Xiaoman was arrested again, she was relieved. If she was really run away today, I'm afraid she would be finished.

The aunt looked at her, sighed, shook her head and said, "Why are you doing this?"

Lu Xiaoman didn't speak up. He lowered his head and let them lock her into the room.

She lay in bed, not anxious to touch the mobile phone, but calmly reviewed what happened today.

Yu Gubei knew that she vomited in the morning and that she didn't eat meat. That is to say, this room is equipped with surveillance!

Realizing this, she got goose bumps all over her body.

Unexpectedly, he was such a mean and terrible person!

No wonder he knows all her whereabouts and actions. He is watching her all the time!

Lu Xiaoman sighed, and on the other hand secretly congratulated that she didn't immediately take out the stolen mobile phone as soon as she came back, otherwise everything would be over.

Lying for a while, she slowly stood up, took out a new quilt from the cupboard, spread it on the bed, and got in. After a while, she crept out of her pocket.

It was a very old cell phone, but it was enough for her.

First, she added all the existing contacts in her mobile phone to the blacklist, then set all the prompt tones on her mobile phone to mute, and then logged in to wechat.

Pop up a few messages, are some friends daily greetings, in addition, there are mom sent to her message, are hissing, asking her to eat, sleep well greetings, watching, her tears fell down.

Over the years, she has been pretending to be in front of her mother, pretending that she has been working in a big hospital, and that she has no worries about food and drink. Before, she and Yu Gubei lived happily together, but now she lives and dies as if she were living in hell.

But she did not dare to say, and even more did not dare to ask her mother for help, because such pain, she felt on the line, never to pull her mother in again.

Lu Xiaoman shrank in the quilt and quietly wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes. Then he told his mother back in a relaxed and happy tone, with a joyful tone, which did not let her worry at all.

Then, she went through the whole wechat, and found no one who could help her at this moment.

The only one who can be trusted is probably Ruan Shishi. But she once betrayed her. How can she help her?

Lu Xiaoman struggles and regrets very much. She once cut off all her retreats. She naively thinks that Yu Gubei is her guarantee and her retreat. But the reality is always beating her face so fast. For the first time, she clearly realizes what is desperate.

When the most trusted person around her becomes a devil, she experiences what hell is for the first time.

Unconsciously, more than half an hour has passed. She doesn't know when Yu Gubei will come back, but once he comes back, she can't predict what will happen later.

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