The Warmest Romance

Chapter 1420

Chapter 1420

Lu Xiaoman is in great pain. What's more terrible is that she is bleeding. Ruan Shishi is worried and doesn't dare to move. She is just like an ant on a hot pot.

Finally, the sound of an ambulance siren came from outside. Soon, a nurse rushed in, transferred Lu Xiaoman to the car and rushed to the hospital.

Ruan Shishi's heart is almost hanging in her throat. She follows Lu Xiaoman all the way to the emergency room. She is relieved that Lu Xiaoman is sent to the emergency room, but the tension in her heart still does not disappear.

Clearly good, how does Lu Xiaoman suddenly have a stomachache and bleed? This is impossible at all, but it happened suddenly and unprepared today.

What's going on?

She always felt that something was wrong, but she couldn't say it at all. It was a kind of feeling, sensitive and uneasy, which made her nervous all the time.


Hearing the familiar voice, Ruan Shishi turned back and saw song yean, who was walking towards here in a hurry. At that moment, her heart was warm.

"Good night, you are here at last..."

All of a sudden, such a big thing happened to her. She would be more or less uneasy when she faced it alone. What's more, there was something strange about it. Now that she could see song yean, her flustered heart could finally settle down.

Song yean stepped forward and asked anxiously, "what's the matter? Not long after I arrived at the company, I received a call from my servant saying that something had happened, so I went straight to the hospital. "

"I don't know. Xiaoman is bleeding. I don't know if he fell or what happened. He was just sent to the emergency room..."

Ruan Shishi was shaking a little. She saw Lu Xiaoman shed a lot of blood just now. I'm afraid that the child is more vicious than lucky.

Lu Xiaoman has just decided to keep the child, suddenly such a thing, for her is no doubt not a heavy blow.

Ruan's mind was in a mess, and he didn't know what to do.

Suddenly, a heavy shoulder, a broad palm or her shoulder, ear came from the man's soft comfort, "don't worry, she will be ok..." historical

Ruan Shishi took a deep breath and nodded, but he was still very upset.

She paced back and forth at the door of the emergency room, her forehead sweating.

Song yean looked at her, holding the hand of the mobile phone slightly tightened, at this time, the mobile phone suddenly vibrated twice, received a new text message.

Song yean body a vibration, immediately will text point open to see, "take her away."

Four cold words appeared on the screen.

Song yean took a deep breath and looked around warily. Then he went to Ruan Shishi's side and said softly, "let's go for a walk. It's time to go through the hospitalization procedures."

Ruan Shishi was stiff and turned to look at the closed door of the emergency room. He didn't know what he was thinking. After a few seconds of hesitation, he spoke softly and said, "OK..."

Originally, she didn't want to leave here, but waiting at the door, every minute and every second was extremely painful. It's better to go out for a walk and come back. Maybe the operation will be over.

As soon as they left, a group of people came out of the nearby fire passage. Shao Zhuo was the leader. They did not hesitate and went straight to the operating room

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