The Warmest Romance

Chapter 1456

Chapter 1456


How embarrassing it would be for a child to see her lying with another man!

At this time, Sen Sen came to her, holding her hand with a shy smile, raised her small face and asked softly, "Mom, are you going to be with Uncle Shuai?"


Ruan Shishi was shocked by his sudden burst of words. She looked at Sensen and Yu Yimo. She was at a loss for a moment and didn't know how to answer.

"Sensen, who told you that? Don't talk nonsense... "

"I guess so." With a smile, Sen Sen shook her hand and said in a soft voice, "Mom, I have already discussed with Sasha. Uncle Shuai is also good. We are willing to accept it."

Then he looked at Sasha symbolically and asked, "right? Sasha

Sha Sha nodded and held Yu Yimo's hand.

Ruan Shishi stood still and opened her mouth, but she didn't know what to say.

What on earth did Yu Yimo do to her two babies? He brainwashed them like this!

She took a deep breath and calmed herself down as soon as possible. Then she looked at Sensen and Sasha and said, "come here, you two."

Sensen and Sasha look at each other, hesitated for a moment, and then slowly raised their feet toward her.

When they approached, Ruan Shishi asked, "what do you mean by accepting uncle Shuai?"

Morimori blinked and said, "it's just We agree with you to fall in love with Uncle Shuai. "

Ruan Shi was so angry that he couldn't say, "I..."

Who wants to fall in love with Yu Yimo? Are you kidding?

"Mom, don't worry. Sasha and I understand that since dad doesn't want you, we don't want him either. He doesn't come to see you when you are angry. Uncle Shuai is always around you to take care of you. He is very kind to you, so we don't object to you being together."

Sen Sen said, winking at her, and clapping her shoulder.

Listen to his tone, either watch too much dog blood drama, or brush too much short video, the tone is like a little adult, has a model.

Ruan Shishi thought about what he said just now. She felt the blood on her body rushing towards her head. Her head was confused and she felt like a dream.

She did not expect that one day she would be persuaded by her son to fall in love with Yu Yimo!

Anyone else can do it, but he can't!

Ruan Shishi took a deep breath and quickly calmed down. She looked at Sensen and Sasha and said solemnly, "you think too much. This is nothing at all!"

As she said this, she reached out and deliberately rubbed his little hairstyle, raised her eyebrows and looked up at Yu Yimo with his pouted mouth and resentful expression.

"You, come with me."

Leaving this sentence behind, she turned around and walked in the direction of Chaoyang.

She wants to have a good talk with Yu Yimo. What on earth is this? Without him, I'm afraid Sensen and Sasha would not have been like this.

His participation is absolutely necessary in this matter!

Ruan Shishi was a little annoyed. When Yu Yimo came, she looked at him seriously and asked, "Yu Yimo, what do you mean?"

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