The Warmest Romance

Chapter 1473

Chapter 1473

Ruan Shishi was relieved to get his affirmative answer. The news is good news for her.

Yu Yimo saw the relaxed expression on Ruan Shishi's face and said in a soft voice, "don't worry, as long as you and Sensen Shasha are still here, I will protect you."

Ruan Shishi nodded thoughtfully and drank a few beers. Then she turned to look at him and said with a smile, "it's hard to be a mother. If there's any danger, I'll protect sensasa. I can't always owe you..."

She seemed to be joking. When she laughed, her eyes narrowed into crescent moon, curved and bright, like two flashing lights in the middle of the night.

He held the bottle a little tight and muttered to himself, "it's OK to owe me a favor, just pay it back."

Ruan Shishi heard what she said, half joking with a smile, "I can't afford it."

They looked at each other and laughed. No one continued to talk about this topic.

Looking out at the sky covered with black curtain, three or two stars scattered in it, both of them didn't speak. Unconsciously, a bottle of wine was down.

After drinking a bottle of wine, Ruan Shishi seemed to feel that it was not enough. He went back and took two bottles, put them on the round table, opened one and continued to drink.

When Yu Yimo looks at her like this, he knows that she has something on her mind. Even if he asks, I'm afraid Ruan Shishi won't tell him.

Yu Yimo took a deep breath, picked up another bottle of wine, opened it and drank it with her. Then he told her faintly, "Lord Luo has just been arrested. It's better not to go out these days. The situation outside is not very good, including Yu Gubei. The best way to avoid risks is not to show up."

Ruan Shishi's mind sank slightly, thinking of the agreement she had reached with Yu Gubei, she couldn't help asking, "what if it's inevitable to go out?"

Yu Gu Bei looked at her and said in a soft voice, "take me with you."

Smell speech, Ruan poetry only feel funny, "you now go out and sit in a wheelchair, make sure if you really encounter danger, you can take care of me?"

Yu Yimo's face became more serious, and the original smile dissipated. "From today on, if you want to go out, you should finally take Xiao Meng with you. Sensenshasha can't go out these days. I will send someone to protect her in the vicinity of the apartment..." historical

He solemnly ordered, unknowingly said a lot, and then turned his head, only to find that the woman sitting on the reclining chair had fallen asleep with her head tilted.

Yu Yimo was angry and laughing for a moment. She didn't listen to all the things he said just now?

After a pause, aware of the coolness outside, Yu Yimo gets up and walks to her side. Without saying a word, he picks her up from the couch and walks directly towards the room.

He gently carried her back to the room and put her on the bed. With the dim light, he looked at the woman's quiet eyebrows. His heart was like a wave blown by the wind. He moved his lips and whispered, "no matter what danger I encounter, I won't leave you."

His voice is very light. After that, it seems to fade with the air. Finally, he takes a deep look at the woman on the bed, gets up and walks out.

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