The Warmest Romance

Chapter 1484

Chapter 1484

When she returned to the apartment, her heart slowly settled down. When she pushed the door open, she heard a noise inside.

The living room is in a mess. Xiaomeng is being chased by Sensen Shasha. All kinds of patterns are painted on her cheeks, forehead and even arms.

In a trance, Ruan Shishi thought he had entered the wrong house and recognized the wrong person!

When she glanced down at all kinds of colored pens in Sansha's hand, she could not laugh or cry.

When Xiao Meng saw her, it was like seeing the Savior and the hope. He ran towards her with tears in his eyes and cried, "sister! Help

Now some young and strong young men with some skills shuttle behind her. Ruan Shishi can't laugh or cry. He looks at Sensen and Shasha running over with colored pens and asks, "what are you doing?"

Sensen shrugged his shoulders and said helplessly, "play games with Uncle Xiaomeng. He always loses. There's no way!" historical

Shasha nodded seriously and said, "yes! Uncle Xiaomeng is too stupid, but he has to admit defeat by gambling! "

Just then, behind Ruan Shishi, Xiao Meng grabbed one of her clothes and said pitifully, "elder sister, what kind of universe stars and fashion games do they play with me? I don't know! You must lose! "

Ruan Shishi couldn't help laughing. Looking at the two lovely little guys in front of her, she couldn't say any words of blame at the moment. She turned her head, looked at Xiaomeng's face and arm, and said with a smile, "go to the bathroom, there are makeup remover and facial cleanser, you can wash it."

Smell speech, small Mongolia long sigh of relief, quickly walked into the bathroom.

Ruan Shishi turned to take away the colored pen from sensenshasha's hand and said softly, "you two, go to the kitchen sink and wash your hands."

Sensen and Sasha smell speech, pout a small mouth, then point a little head, clever turn to do.

Ruan Shishi had the time to sit down beside the sofa and let out a long sigh of relief.

Even so, she knew very well in her heart that this time was just the beginning. She didn't know what would happen and what situation it would become.

In a word, before that day comes, she wants to take every step she has determined. Only in this way can she have a better chance of winning.

For three days in a row, Yu Yimo hardly went back to his apartment.

Jiangzhou city set off an upsurge of reform. The new orders were strict and resolute, and quickly swept the business community in Jiangzhou.

Large corporate consortia are the driving force of local economic development. How many people have been employed, how much GDP has been increased, and what kind of urban development has been promoted have become more and more important. At the same time, the society has higher requirements for corporate consortia, which are open, transparent, and refuse any form of corruption.

This is a good thing, and some people just want to take advantage of this trend to seek personal benefits.

For three days in a row, at least five groups of people have been to Yu's group to do research and explore the situation. The meaning is somewhat speculative.

Yu Yimo is busy with the company's affairs, but also with the above work, busy before and after, almost no time to go back.

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