The Warmest Romance

Chapter 1486

Chapter 1486

If you don't deliver the food, it will be cold, but now it seems that Yu Yimo's side should not be over.

Just then, the door of the reception hall was suddenly pushed open, and the female assistant appeared at the door.

Ruan Shishi was so happy that he asked, "is it over there?"

The female assistant was stunned for a moment, and soon gave her a sorry smile, "not yet. Just now, a girl came from outside and said that she was from the marketing department. She said that the director of their department Han wanted to see you and asked you to go to the rooftop. She had something to say to you."

Ruan's poems were slightly stunned.

Someone's looking for her?

Strange, she is not familiar with the people in the company now!

At the same time, she murmured: "director Han of the marketing department..."

Two seconds later, I woke up.

Isn't that Xiao Han! Five years ago, she was in the marketing department with Xiao Han. Later, when she left, Xiao Han was already a deputy director, and now it's reasonable to be promoted to a director.

Some of her old friends met with joy, but the next second, the bottom of her heart and a bit of doubt.

She didn't come here in a big way. Besides, there are few people who know her in the company now. How can Xiao Han know that she is here?

Ruan Shishi was suspicious and asked the assistant, "how did she know I was here?"

The female assistant replied with a proper smile, "then I don't know. The messenger is still out there. You can ask her. "

Hearing the speech, Ruan Shishi immediately got up and walked out.

Sure enough, a few meters outside the reception hall stood a young girl, looking at Gu Ling's strange face, with a sense of cleverness between her eyebrows and eyes.

The girl saw her, immediately walked forward with a smile, lively and excited asked, "are you sister Shi?"

Ruan Shishi nodded, "I am."

"Sister Han asked me to come. She said she saw you in the hall today, but she didn't catch up with you because she had something on hand. Then when she went back to the office, she asked me to come to the president's office to look for you. I didn't expect to find you!"

Ruan Shishi smiles and asks, "is she in the marketing department?"

The girl looked frank and said with a smile, "no, sister Han hasn't had lunch yet. She went to the roof with a box lunch and said that if she found you, she would tell you."

Hearing the words, the doubts in Ruan's heart suddenly disappeared.

Xiao Han loves the habit of running on the rooftop. She knows that when she was in the company before, sometimes she would go to the rooftop for dinner or rest. She always said that she would be in a better mood. Unexpectedly, after several years, her habit has not changed.

When she saw the girl in front of her again, she said with a smile, "thank you for your message. I'll go up and find her later."

The girl poked her tongue at her playfully, then said briskly, "then I'll go to dinner first!" historical

With that, he turned and left happily.

Looking at her back, Ruan Shishi couldn't help smiling. At the beginning, five years ago, she was as big as her, simple and pure, and had not experienced the social beating.

Ruan Shishi smiles and turns to the direction of the president's office. The door is closed. It seems that the people inside have not come out yet.

After a pause, she turned to the female assistant and said with a smile, "if they're finished, you can help me deliver the lunch box to Yu Yimo."

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