The Warmest Romance

Chapter 1488

Chapter 1488

At the same time, the door of the president's office was finally pushed open. Several men in suits came out one after another, gathered together and exchanged something in a low voice. Then, Yu Yimo sat in a wheelchair and was pushed out by Du Yue.

At this time, the female assistant came forward with a lunch box in her hand and said, "Mr. Yu, this is Miss Ruan's lunch."

Yu Yimo's eyes swept over the lunch box and then asked, "who is she?"

The female assistant reported truthfully, "it seems that she went to the rooftop to make friends. She has been there for a while."

Smell speech, Yu Yimo subconsciously frown, immediately take out the mobile phone, to Ruan Shishi dial the phone.

He can vaguely feel that today is not an ordinary day. The comments in recent days, including some internal information he has received, all indicate that something will happen.

At this time, Ruan Shishi was the safest to stay at home.

He thought, the cell phone here has been dialed, rang a few times, but no one answered, suddenly, the phone was hung up, very abrupt.

Yu Yimo frowns, turns to the female assistant at random, and asks, "do you know who's looking for her?"

The female assistant recalled for a moment, and then said, "a little girl from the marketing department said that the director of the marketing department, Han, was looking for Miss Ruan..."

Hearing this, Yu Yimo said solemnly, "call the marketing director immediately to see where she is?"

It seems to be scared by Yu Yimo's sudden seriousness. The assistant quickly nods and goes back to the office to dial the phone. After a while, she comes out in a hurry, and her face is not very good-looking. "General manager Yu, contact director Han. She is eating out and says that she has never seen Miss Ruan at all and has not asked her to meet on the rooftop."

Smell speech, metaphor with silent Mou light sink a few minutes.

In this way, there is another person about Ruan Shishi to meet on the rooftop. Who is this person, and who is going to make an appointment under the name of someone else?

The more Yu Yimo thinks about it, the more wrong he is. He slowly tightens his hand holding the handle of the wheelchair and wants to get up immediately. At this moment, Du Yue suddenly reaches out his hand and puts it on his shoulder. He bends down and says, "Mr. Yu, calm down."

In a word, it is like a basin of cold water, which makes Yu Yimo return to reason in a moment. historical

Just now, he was anxious to get up from his wheelchair and go directly to find Ruan Shishi. But if he reveals the fact that his legs have recovered now, it will definitely come from the company and Yu Gubei's ears. If he is more wary of him, then all his plans will be in disorder.

Even so, Yu Yimo's heart is still tightening because of tension. He takes a deep breath and orders Du Yue, "go to the roof immediately!"

Du Yue smell speech, nodded, without saying a word to push the wheelchair forward, to the direction of the elevator.

It was overcast as if it was going to rain.

On the rooftop, two women confront each other. Ruan Shishi deliberately delays time, but ye Waner has obviously lost patience.

"Ruan Shishi, let's make an end."

As she spoke, ye Wan'er took out a black stick like object from her pocket and slowly approached Ruan Shishi.

Ruan Shishi's heart was tight, and her back was cold, because she recognized what it was. It was a small electric rod! The instantaneous current will knock people out!

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