The Warmest Romance

Chapter 256

Chapter 256

Don't let her promise the pursuit of other men, because care about her? Or is it simply possessive?

After thinking about it, she thinks that the answer is more inclined to the latter. After all, she has been with him for such a long time and has seen how nervous ye Wan'er is more than once. She knows very well that in Yu Yimo's heart, she can't compare with ye Wan'er at all.

With a self mocking smile, Ruan Shishi stepped out of the office, forgot all the messy thoughts that bothered him, and went back to the administration department.

Just walked to the Department's public office area, Meng Zihan saw her, but he took the initiative to meet her, with a worried tone, "Ruan Shishi, where have you been?"

"I went to the president's office." Ruan Shishi cheered up and asked softly, "what's the matter?"

Mencius Han raised his eyebrows, with a tone of indistinct meaning, "just now vice president Xu called and said to let you go. If you are not here, he came to look for you by himself."

Next to it is the public office area. Everyone is working quietly. Meng Zihan's words can be heard by the whole office.

For a moment, Ruan felt the eyes of all the people gathering on him.

Originally, she and vice president Xu couldn't tell the truth clearly. Now, Xu Fengming doesn't evade suspicion at all and goes directly to the administration department to find her. Isn't this intentional to leave someone a handle?

Ruan Shishi frowned and said in a deep voice, "OK, I know."

With that, she walked straight to her office.

Go to the office door, a push open the door, she saw Xu Fengming is sitting in her office chair, looking at what documents.

Seeing her coming in, Xu Fengming casually put down the document, looked at her sharply, and said with a smile, "it seems that assistant Ruan is very leisurely in his work, and he can wander around during his working hours. Is there anything more important than his work?"

Ruan Shishi recognized the irony in his words and pulled out a smile. "I'm sorry to have kept you waiting, Mr. Xu. What can I do for you today?"

Before Lan Jie arranged the task, she specially explained that she only needed to be a temporary assistant for Xu Fengming for one week. Now it's the second week. It's reasonable that Xu Fengming has no right to transfer her again.

"Yes." Xu Fengming smile, a pair of muddy eyes straight lock in her body, "there is a party tonight, you go with me."

Thinking of the last experience, Ruan Shishi subconsciously resisted, "deputy general manager Xu, the temporary assistant lasts for one week. Your formal assistant should have arrived at the post, right?"

When Xu Fengming heard the speech, he raised his hand and buttoned the table. "He asked for leave today. You follow me."

He said, and stood up and said in a deep voice, "wait for me in the hall after work."

There was no room for her to refuse. action

Ruan Shishi frowned and thought of Yu Yimo's words, which finally made her feel depressed.

At this time, she had no choice but to endure.

When Xu Fengming leaves, Ruan Shishi holds her mobile phone and hesitates to say something to Yu Yimo.

Just now she came back from his office. It happened that he was going to a meeting. Even if she went to see him at this time, I'm afraid he didn't have time.

Ruan Shishi sighed, took out a knife from the pen holder on the desk, put it in her pocket, and then placed an order on the Internet for liver protection and alcohol relief tablets. She felt relieved when she was ready for all this.

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