The Warmest Romance

Chapter 277

Chapter 277

Chapter 277

Seeing his daughter Mumu standing in the same place, Ms. Liu stepped forward and asked, "is it difficult that you still have him in your heart?"

In a word, Ruan Shi's face was dry and some of his heart was empty.

A few seconds later, she deliberately raised her voice and said, "how can it be! How can I have him in my heart! I'm divorced from him! "

Her voice did not fall, the door of the ward was suddenly pushed open, "click" sound, Ruan Shi body then a stiff.

Leng for a moment, she immediately turned around, just to Yu Yimo's deep and bottomless eyes.

He frowned slightly, and his face was a little gloomy.

It seems that he heard what she said just now!

For a moment, Ruan Shishi wanted to find a hole to go in! How embarrassing!

Yu Yimo's eyes stayed on her for a short time, and her face recovered as usual. She closed the door of the ward gently, looked at Ms. Liu and said, "aunt, the teacher just fell asleep. If there's nothing wrong, I'll go first."

Ms. Liu nodded, looked at Ruan Shishi and said, "you can go too. You have to go to work in the afternoon. I'll be here alone with your father."

Ruan Shishi wanted to stay, but she was determined to stay, and she didn't want to make trouble any more. She had to say, "Mom, I'll come to see Dad another day."

Ms. Liu waved her hand, "let's go, let's go."

Ruan Shishi follows Yu Yimo. They enter the elevator one by one, and neither of them talks to each other.

When the elevator came down, it stopped on the pediatrics floor, and a group of parents with their children rushed in, instantly filling the empty elevator. josei

Ruan Shishi was pushed to the corner. Next to her was a middle-aged uncle with a big belly. The beer belly propped up directly against her side. When she touched her hand, the uncle bared his teeth and gave her a smile.

Ruan Shishi felt unwell and shrunk to the corner as much as possible, but unexpectedly, the middle-aged uncle also pushed towards her side.

Unexpectedly, in the hospital elevator, she can meet salty pig hand, she frowned, just don't know what to do, next to suddenly stretched out a hand, gently hold her shoulder, and then, Yu Yimo squeezed away the people beside, directly in front of her.

Ruan Shishi's back is in the corner, and the front is blocked by Yu Yimo's body. Seeing this, the uncle next to him feels his nose in embarrassment and doesn't come back.

Ruan Shishi and Yu Yimo face to face and are close to each other. She can not only smell the light green wood fragrance from him, but also feel the blazing heat from him through a thin layer of cloth.

What's more, her forehead just touched the man's chin, and his warm breath just sprayed on her forehead, itchy, numb and hot.

It's the first time that I have been in face-to-face contact with Yu Yimo.

Unconsciously, Ruan Shi's cheek was covered with a thin layer of red halo, and her breath was also hot.

Just as she was in a hurry, Yu Yimo suddenly lowered her head and spoke softly, "you were at the door of the ward just now..."

Without waiting for him to finish, Ruan Shishi suddenly responded. She quickly said, "I didn't say anything!"

At that time, she did not expect that what she said was just heard by him, just like she had done something bad and was directly hit by the client.

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