The Warmest Romance

Chapter 297

Chapter 297


Ruan Shishi pinched her hand and said with a smile, "you are busy first, maybe you will have a chance later."

In fact, it's better if song Yunan doesn't go. Otherwise, when she does something, she needs to explain to her again. After all, today she doesn't just go to the Bai family's birthday party.

After coming out of the Song family, Ruan Shishi took a taxi to go home. When she got home, she made up her hair. It was almost time.

The first floor is the hall, the second floor is the VIP seat, and the third floor is the box. The hall is bright and broad, and the glass lamps are shining. There are buffet spots on both sides. It looks like a reception. The second floor is the place for dinner and the third floor is the room for rest.

Ruan Shishi took the invitation card to enter. After listening to the introduction of the receptionist, she couldn't help sighing.

The world of the rich is really unimaginable. Who knows how much ocean it will cost to go down this night.

In the hall, a lot of people have arrived, crowding and cheering, a lively scene.

Ruan Shishi didn't stay idle. After walking around and finding out the stairs and passageways, he had a clear idea.

It's almost time. Compared with just now, the number of people has increased a lot. Master Bai has appeared and is receiving the blessing of the people in the center of the hall.

When there are many people, it's difficult to find them. Ruan Shishi looks around, but he doesn't see Yu Yimo.

She and he have discussed in advance. She must be within his sight, including her actions, and must be approved by him, so as to ensure her safety to the greatest extent.

Finally, accompanied by the noise at the entrance of the hall, Yu Yimo, who was wearing a dark gray suit, came in under the gaze of the people. He was tall and tall, as if with an invisible momentum, and let the people around him make way for him.

Ruan Shishi looked at the men in the crowd and couldn't help taking a deep breath. Unexpectedly, he was so shining in the crowd, as if all the lights in the hall were attracted to him, so that she could no longer see others.

Yu Yimo and Du Yue walk directly towards the white master in the center. Soon, the white master pays attention to the people who are coming, and immediately smiles.

Yu Yimo stepped forward, slightly bent over and said hello to old man Bai, "uncle, I wish you a long life."

White old man full face smile, repeatedly nodded, "good, good, you can come to see me, I am very happy."

"Knowing that my uncle has nothing to lack, I've found something special."

Yu Yimo said, looking at Du Yue beside him.

Du Yue understood and immediately sent up the box in his hand.

Just now, we have already sent a circle of gifts. The jade, Ruyi and golden peach are common things for the old man, and they are nothing rare.

Now Yu Yimo gives a gift, and the onlookers also want to see what it is.

The box was sent to the white man. He reached out and opened the lid. After only one look, the bottom of his eyes flashed bright.

I don't know who said, "it's master Zhumen's Handmade purple clay pot!"

Everyone was shocked at the news.

As we all know, master Bai likes purple clay pots and collects masterpieces from famous masters. However, Master Zhu's own works are not easy to get. It's not something that money can buy.

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