The Warmest Romance

Chapter 299

Chapter 299

Ruan Shishi takes back her eyes. In a moment, her mobile phone rings twice. She takes it up and looks at it. It's a wechat message from Yu Yimo.

"When he's drunk, don't worry."

Ruan's heart is clear that this "he" refers to Xu Fengming. After receiving Yu Yimo's instructions, her originally unstable heart slowly cooled down.

This kind of time can't be in a hurry. If they take the wrong step, their plans will be all over and they will lose everything.

After a while, a man came up to Ruan Shishi and said with a smile, "would you like to have a drink with me, miss?"

Ruan Shishi raised her eyes, squinted slightly, looked at him for a few seconds, and felt that he was familiar. It seemed that she had seen him somewhere. She turned her eyes and swept to the next table. When she saw that Cheng Lu was aiming at them, her heart became clear.

This man, who has been sitting at the next table, is someone Cheng Lu knows. Now he suddenly comes to propose a toast, which must have been ordered by Cheng Lu.

Ruan Shishi knew her intention clearly in her heart. She glanced at the man and said in a soft voice, "don't we seem to know each other?"

That man picked pick eyebrow, don't want to leave, "drink this glass of wine, we met."

Ruan Shishi takes a look at the wine in his glass. Without saying much, she reaches for her glass on the table, raises her hand to the man in front of Cheng Lu, and drinks it all.

About Cheng Lu's plan, she knows very well. At this time, she asks other men to come and toast her, just to get her drunk and make it easier to follow up.

The man also drank the wine. Seeing the empty seat beside Ruan Shishi, he directly sat down and said, "good drink, miss. My name is Zhang. What's your name?"

The politeness of Ruan Shi's reply is, "Ruan Shi Shi."

"Miss Ruan, we know each other by fate. Why don't we have another drink?"

Ruan Shi's eyes flashed a ray of light, stopped for a few seconds, did not refuse, "OK, then drink another cup."

Said, she picked up next to the liquor poured a cup, to the man raised his hand, and the wine in the glass to drink.

The man didn't expect that Ruan Shishi would be so forthright. He laughed, took the wine from the other side and drank it.

After several rounds, Ruan Shishi's face was as usual, but the man was drunk.

Ruan Shishi pretended to be dizzy, helped her forehead and gave him a smile. "Sorry, Mr. Zhang, I seem to have drunk too much. If we have a chance, we'll drink it next time."

The man continued to drink a few glasses of wine, and his stomach was not very comfortable. He nodded along her words, "OK, I'll make another appointment next time."

Seeing him turn to leave and return to the next table, Ruan Shishi breathes a sigh of relief, turns his head to the other side, holds his head in his hand, squints his eyes slightly, and looks drunk.

She had long expected that Cheng Lu might attack her, so she specially prepared a special bottle of "white wine" to put on her hand. The seemingly white and clear liquid is actually mineral water.

In short, as long as you let Cheng Lu see that she has drunk a lot of wine, her goal will be achieved.

"Ruan poetry?" action

Suddenly, a male voice came from the side, and Ruan Shishi was stunned at first, and then turned back with some doubts.

Qin Xianli stood behind her, a little surprised, until he saw Ruan Shishi's face, his face slowly recovered as usual.

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