The Warmest Romance

Chapter 305

Chapter 305

A cold along her back slowly climb up, Ruan Shishi dragged the injured body everywhere, powerless forward.

She did not want to do this step, but she was forced helpless, if she did not start ruthlessly, then the person who suffered was her.

After a few steps, her feet softened and her body shook. She was about to fall. She quickly reached out and held the wall beside her.

All of a sudden, there was a sound of footwork at the stairway not far ahead, followed by a low magnetic male voice, "Ruan Shishi!"

Then, the man's breath came near. Before she looked up, she was surrounded in a warm embrace.

Slightly raised her head, her deep and bottomless eyes seemed to capture some anxiety from his eyes.

Is she wrong? How could Yu Yimo worry about her?

Seeing that the little woman's face is red and swollen under her messy hair, and her body is also in a mess, it is obvious that she has experienced a fierce battle. Yu Yimo's eyebrows are tightened, and an indescribable sense of shame comes from the bottom of her heart.

He had some regrets. Why didn't he send one more person to follow her!

Looking at the woman's dispirited spirit, Yu Yimo's eyes gave birth to a thin layer of anger. Without saying a word, he took off his suit and wrapped it around Ruan Shishi. He bent over to hold her up and said in a deep voice, "let's go."

He's going to take her and get out of this place as soon as possible!

Who knows, just came to the stairs, Du Yue quickly came up from the downstairs, just hit them.

Seeing the embarrassed Ruan poem in Yu Yimo's arms, Du shuddered and responded immediately. He said to Yu Yimo, "Mr. Yu, you'd better find a room to deal with it at this time."

Yu Yimo hears the words and frowns slightly. He understands the meaning of his words.

At this time, he left with Ruan Shishi in his arms and inevitably had to pass the second floor. At that time, he not only had no way to explain to master Bai, but also let others see Ruan Shishi's disheveled clothes and bruised face, which would certainly attract a lot of criticism.

After a pause of two seconds, Yu Yimo nodded slightly, "is the room card with you?"

Mr. Bai has arranged rooms for some important guests, and the room card has been sent to everyone in advance.

Du Yue nodded, "yes, room 306."

When Yu Yimo heard the words, without saying a word, he immediately turned back with Ruan Shi in his arms.

After entering the room, he put Ruan Shishi on the bed and looked around. He didn't see any medicine box. He glanced at Du Yue, who was standing beside him. He said in a cold voice, "find a medicine box, as soon as possible!"

Du Yue hears speech, immediately nods to answer next, turned round to leave a room.

Yu Yimo went to the bed and looked at the little woman who was lying on the bed. Her heart was stabbed by something sharp.

He turned, took a clean towel from the bathroom, wet it with water, and gently wiped the dust off her face.

When the cool towel touched her skin, Ruan felt a little sober. She took a deep breath, opened her eyes and saw the man sitting by the bed to take care of her. Her mind was complicated.

She moved her body, reached out to pick up the wet towel in his hand, and said in a hoarse voice, "I'll do it myself..." action

Yu Yimo stretched out her hand and gently grasped her wrist, with unquestionable determination in her voice, "lie still."

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