The Warmest Romance

Chapter 314

Chapter 314

He still remembers that in the darkest period of his life, the person who accompanied him was ye Wan'er. If it wasn't for her warmth, I'm afraid he couldn't walk out alone.

He stepped forward, gently hugged her, a trace of intolerance appeared in the fundus of his eyes, "huh? Why not eat? "

"Brother Mo, don't you want me?"

Ye Wan'er said, holding Yu Yimo with open arms and lowering her head, her eyes flashed a cold light.

This morning, one of her subordinates called and said that she saw Yu Yimo come out of an apartment building. Not long after that, Ruan Shishi also came out!

So, her brother was with that woman last night!

At that moment when she heard the news, ye Wan'er's body trembled, but she had nothing to do. Who let her get this disease? She has been sick for so long!

However, her illness does not mean that any woman can take advantage of the situation. The last time I saw Ruan Shishi in the office, a woman's sixth sense told her that she was definitely a woman to be on guard! Sure enough, she really became her rival, her opponent!

Yu Yimo frowned, raised her hand and patted her on the back, "Wan'er, don't think about it."

Ye Wan'er sobbed in his chest, "brother Mo, I feel so incompetent! Because this disease can't accompany you. Now I'm still in the hospital after the operation. I'm really in pain... "

Yu Yimo lowers his head and looks at the woman in his arms. His mood also sinks.

"Wan'er, stick to it for a few more days, and you'll be discharged."

In order to ensure her safety, Peter specially told her to stay in hospital for observation for a few days after the operation, so he was not so anxious to let her out of the hospital.

Ye Wan'er sobbed and asked, "but I feel that your heart is no longer with me. Brother Mo, do you like others?"

Yu Yimo felt the words and stroked her hand on the back. A woman's face flashed through her mind.

Ruan poetry?

How could he think of her at this time?

Yu Yimo frowned and looked down to appease ye Wan'er, "no, I promised you that I would do it."

"Really?" Ye Wan'er raised her eyes, her two apricot eyes glistening with tears, "will you marry me?"


Yu Yimo answered. I don't know why, this time's answer is not as strong as before.

Her mind is a little disordered. Yu Yimo can't care to clear her mind. After calming down Ye Waner's mood, she asks the nurse to send her porridge and coax her to eat some.

Finally, looking at the quiet face of the woman in bed in her sleep, Yu Yimo is really relieved.

Since ye Wan'er was ill, he stayed by her side to take care of her, not once or twice, and these are indeed what he owes her.

He raised his hand, pressed the center of his eyebrows and stepped out of the ward. He gently closed the door and turned around to see a man standing next to him.

The man is tall, wearing an iron gray suit, long legs, long feet, handsome face, but his face is almost morbid pale. action

The man picked an eyebrow at Yu Yimo, and his face was full of evil spirits. "Yu Zong, long time no see."

Yu Yimo's eyes sank, recognized the man in front of him and narrowed slightly.

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