The Warmest Romance

Chapter 329

Chapter 329

Song Qi picked to pick eyebrow, coldly glanced at her one eye, "take off your clothes!"

After hearing this, song yun'an couldn't bear it. "What! Song Qi, you are going too far! "

Ruan Shishi was wearing a skirt. If she took it off, it would be all gone. What's the difference between this and streaking!

Ruan Shishi's face turned white. Before he could speak, a shadow of a man rushed by.

Kezhelin rushed to her and glared at Song Qi. "I don't allow you to touch her!"

"Don't think too much of yourself!" Song Qi had an ironic smile on her face. "You can't protect yourself, and you want to care for others!"

With that, she raised her chin to a bodyguard, who immediately understood and kicked kezhelin's calf from behind.

Kezhelin was kicked to the ground, he did not react, iron fists like raindrops have hit him.

Seeing the scene in front of her, Ruan Shishi suddenly looked silly and said, "don't Stop fighting

Kezhelin is to protect her, but now she is controlled by another bodyguard, and she can't be stopped at all.

Song yun'an's face changed. She stepped forward to block and was pushed away. Seeing that Ke Zhelin was beaten, she had no power to fight back. Her face was colored. She yelled at Song Qi, "Song Qi, what do you mean by more deceiving and less deceiving! If you have the ability, let's go it alone! "

Song Qi complacent hook lip a smile, picked pick eyebrow, "have ability you call a person?"

"Damn it

Song yun'an scolded. She didn't expect that the students couldn't count on it, and she didn't expect to call someone.

She felt out her mobile phone and looked through her address book. Song yean was the first one in her mind. But if her brother knew that she came to such a place with poems, she would be scolded and locked up again. action

She moves one meal, in the mind suddenly passes someone's face, she turns out the number, without saying a word dialed past.

As soon as she got through, she said, "second request, come to Wesker! I have a problem with poetry

As soon as she finished, the mobile phone in her hand was taken away by the people next to her. As soon as she turned her head, she saw Song Qi holding the mobile phone and hung up directly.

Song Qi glanced at her, hooked her lips and said coldly, "only one can be hit, only one word can be said. If there are less than 20 minutes, we will continue."

Now she looks at Ruan Shishi and song Yunan, helpless and waiting. It's much more interesting than doing it directly.


Just as song yun'an wanted to say something, a bodyguard came directly to her, approached her and forced her to swallow her words.

On the other hand, Du Yue holds his mobile phone and looks at the phone which has been hung up for no reason.

Sitting in the back seat, Yu Yimo raised his eyes. The corners of his lips seemed to be hooked and he said, "girlfriend?"

Du Yue is asked so, subconscious action is one stiff, "not No, it's assistant Ruan's good friend. You've met him. "

Hearing the words, Yu Yimo pursed her lips and asked, "what did she say?"

Du Yue truthfully replied, "she said she and assistant Ruan are in trouble. Let me go to wiske."

Yu Yimo made a move, and his eyes flitted over an unobvious fluctuation.

Ruan poetry? Wesker?

How dare she go to that place? Who gave her courage?

His face sank. Yu Yimo's cold eyes looked at Du Yue and said in a deep voice, "drive, go to Wesker."

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