The Warmest Romance

Chapter 343

Chapter 343

After answering, Ruan Shishi looked at the information handed over by the nurse. After reading a few pictures, she suddenly pointed and looked at the nurse's photo on the information sheet on page 3.

In the photo, the girl has a pretty face and clear eyes. There are two small pear vortices on her cheeks.

Is that her?

Ruan Shishi immediately went to see the information bar in the upper left corner. When he saw the word "Lu Xiaoman", he was surprised.

It's really her!

This is an old friend of hers. She used to live in a community. Later, the Lu Xiaoman family suddenly moved. Since then, they have lost contact.

Unexpectedly, after a few years, they met again in such a way.

Seeing the woman in the picture, Ruan Shishi can't help but think of the past. It was a memory of high school. Lu Xiaoman was older than her. They often met in the community, but they never talked.

Later, when she came home from self-study in the evening, she was followed by a boy. She was very scared. It was Lu Xiaoman who threw a brick at the boy and protected her. Since then, the two of them have become friends who have nothing to talk about.

But in a flash of time, it has been several years.

Ruan Shishi took a deep breath, took out Lu Xiaoman's data sheet, handed it to the nurse and asked, "nurse, can I see her?"

The nurse took the information sheet, glanced at it, thought that Ruan Shishi had picked her, nodded and said, "OK, I'll call her to come, just a moment."

Ruan Shishi nodded. On the surface, she looked calm, but on the inside, she was a little nervous. Her hands on her knees slowly clenched.

She and Lu Xiaoman have not seen each other for so many years. Would it be too abrupt for her to call her in this way?

Just as she did not guess on time, a light footstep came from the door, followed by a crisp female voice, "Sister Liu, what can I do for you?"

Ruan Shishi turned his head and saw the pretty face at the door. He moved his lips nervously, but he couldn't make a sound.

Lu Xiaoman raised her eyes and looked at her. Her eyes stopped for two seconds, and the fundus of her eyes suddenly slipped. She was surprised. She said in disbelief, "Ruan Shi?"

Ruan Shishi was so happy that he immediately raised his lips and stood up with some excitement, "Xiaoman, it's really you!"

Lu Xiaoman's surprise was replaced by surprise. He stepped forward and asked, "you Why are you here? "

"My father is ill and needs to find a nurse. When I saw your information sheet, I asked the nurse to call you."

"What a coincidence." Lu Xiaoman said, reaching for Ruan Shishi's hand. I don't know whether it's because of excitement or surprise. Tears flickered in his eyes.

Ruan's heart was filled with unspeakable joy, "haven't we seen each other for six years? I didn't expect to meet you like this. "

Hand in hand, in order to avoid interfering with other people's work, they went outside the registration room to reminisce.

As soon as you get older, you can't help but miss the past.

The relationship between them is not affected by time. When it comes to the past, everything seems to have just happened, which makes people feel the same.

When he thought of their separation, Ruan could not help asking, "Xiaoman, why did you suddenly move? I didn't even leave a contact information... "


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