The Warmest Romance

Chapter 350

Chapter 350

In addition, she also took time to see Professor Ruan and Ms. Liu in the hospital, the company, the hospital and the apartment. She never had a good rest at all.

The day before leaving, all the necessary preparations were almost finished. At last, Ruan Shishi had some time to rest. Unexpectedly, he received a call from Ke Zhelin.

Last time Ke Zhelin was sent to the hospital, she made a special phone call to inquire about his injury. When she learned that there was nothing serious, she was a little relieved.

Now Ke Zhelin is out of hospital and asks her out for dinner. Because of what happened in wiske last time, she can't refuse directly. She thinks about it and has to agree.

"Then tonight, I want to call song yun'an together. We are all old classmates. Do you mind?"

As soon as the words came out, there was an obvious pause for half a second on the other end of the phone. Then, in a gentle voice, kezhelin said, "yes, there are so many people." action

After hearing this, Ruan Shishi was relieved and had a few more conversations with him. Then he hung up.

Song yun'an was called because she could imagine how embarrassed it would be for her and Ke Zhelin to eat alone. After thinking about it, she had to pull her up.

Ruan Shishi dials song yun'an with her mobile phone. After she explains the matter clearly, song yun'an can't help laughing at that end.

"Shishi, when kezhelin invited you to dinner, you called me. I didn't mean to pull me to be a light bulb!"

Ruan Shishi simply confessed, "I just thought it would be embarrassing for me to have dinner with him alone, so I called you."

Hearing the speech, song yun'an deliberately said, "if I don't go, I'm not so ignorant!"

On hearing this, Ruan Shishi pretended to be sad and said, "An'an, just think it's helping me. If you don't go, I'll die of embarrassment alone..."

How to say, she and kezhelin haven't seen each other for several years. They suddenly eat face to face alone. She can't imagine that picture

On hearing this, song yun'an said with a mischievous smile, "I must go! Just now I was joking. How could I leave you in such a critical moment? "

Ruan Shishi was relieved when she heard about the speech. After a few words with her, she hung up and put down her mobile phone to continue to work.

In the twinkling of an eye, when it's time to get off work, Ruan Shishi originally agreed with song yun'an that she would come to the company to find her, and then they would go to the appointed restaurant to meet with Ke Zhelin.

But who knows, as soon as she had packed up her things, before she could get out of the office, kezhelin's phone had already called.

"Hey, Shishi, are you off work? I've been downstairs to your company. "

Hearing Ke Zhelin say this, Ruan Shishi was stunned. Obviously, she didn't expect that he would come directly to meet her. After two seconds, she slowly responded, "I Are you downstairs after work? "

Ke Zhelin's voice was warm and pleasant. He didn't mean to urge, "yes, at the gate of Yu's group, I'll wait for you to come down."

Listening to him, Ruan Shishi felt a little anxious. As soon as she got off work, Ke Zhelin's phone call came over, indicating that he must have arrived in advance and had been waiting for her.

Ruan Shishi had no time to think about it, so he immediately agreed, "OK, I'll go down now."

Hang up the phone, she took things downstairs, just walked to the door, saw Ke Zhelin wearing a formal suit, holding a small bunch of flowers.

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