The Warmest Romance

Chapter 359

Chapter 359

When the door is closed, yuyimergen is finally clean. He goes to the window, takes the foreign wine on the table, pours half a cup, takes a sip, and looks out of the window with deep eyes.

Sweeping through the brightly lit tall building outside, he looked at the dark sky. At the farthest side of the sky, the dark night looked like a bloody mouth, waiting to devour the world.

The next morning, as soon as Ruan Shishi's alarm clock rang, she immediately got out of bed. Even the ten minutes she used to get up early to stay in bed were cancelled. Today is the first day for her to study and visit Teda Company. Naturally, she has to cheer up.

She changed into a comfortable dress, which was cool and not too casual. After everything was cleared up, she picked up what she needed and went out directly.

She and Xiao Liu arrived at the restaurant, just as her colleagues also arrived. Everyone went to the cafeteria to pick up their meals and find their own seats.

Ruan Shishi takes a meal and sits down at a table with Xiao Liu. She drinks a few mouthfuls of soya bean milk and suddenly thinks of Yu Yimo's encounter last night. action

Before she came to Thailand, she didn't receive any notice saying that Yu Yimo would come with her. Last night, she forgot to ask what Yu Yimo was doing. And judging from everyone's posture today, she didn't seem to know that Yu Yimo was in Thailand.

After eating two mouthfuls of fried rice with eggs, Ruan Shishi pretended to ask Xiao Liu, "are we the only people going to study today?"

Xiao Liu was asked at a loss, "yes, or who else?"

Ruan Shishi hesitated for a moment and continued to ask tentatively, "it seems that I saw Yu Zong also come yesterday. Isn't it dizzy?"

"How could it be?" Xiao Liu said in a positive tone, "sister Luo didn't say that Yu always comes here. You must have read it wrong."

Listening to her saying this, Ruan Shishi nodded, did not ask any more, and continued to lower her head to eat breakfast, but her doubts were entangled in a mess.

Since Yu Yimo didn't tell you about his business trip to Thailand, how could he be here? Does he have something else?

After breakfast, everyone went to visit the company, so she had to put the matter behind her for the time being.

After a busy morning, after visiting various departments of Teda Company, at noon, the receptionist invited them to dinner and sent the driver to take them back to the hotel to have a rest.

Because the temperature outside was too hot, they were given a two-hour break and went to the company to learn management methods in the afternoon.

After running all morning, Ruan Shishi was sweating and just wanted to go back to her room as soon as possible to have a bath. She went to the door of her room and couldn't help subconsciously looking at the corner of the corridor.

Walking around the corner, the first door is Yu Yimo's room.

After two seconds of hesitation, she took out her room card and opened the door.

After a shower, she put on a comfortable t-shirt and shorts. She wanted to have a rest, but she suddenly thought that she had not asked director Feng's contact information, so she was sleepless for a moment.

If you ask for the contact information earlier, you can ask Professor Ruan and Ms. Liu to contact director Feng earlier to arrange the operation time and plan. She had planned to say hello before she came to Thailand, but who knows that the plan can't keep up with the change.

Now it happens that Yu Yimo has also come to Thailand. She can take this opportunity to ask him.

But at the thought of the unhappiness that happened between them last night, Ruan Shishi was like a ball out of breath and had no courage.

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