The Warmest Romance

Chapter 373

Chapter 373

Yu Yimo was relieved to see her calm down.

It seems that this incident has formed a shadow for her.

He held out his hand and stroked the wet bangs on her forehead.

There was a knock at the door of the room. He heard it in silence, and his face was suddenly cold. He walked to the door and opened it.

Du Yue and Luo Yu stood at the door, carrying a whole bag of female articles. They were panting, as if they were running all the way.

Yu Yimo takes the bag and closes the door without saying a word.

Du Yue and Luo Yu stood outside the door, looking at each other and then walked away.

Luo Yu raised his hand to help his eyes slide to the bridge of his nose and said, "do you think the boss is different from before?"

Du Yue hooked his lips and shook his head with a smile. Without saying anything, he walked forward quickly.

I don't know how long after that, Ruan Shishi opened her eyes vaguely. What she saw was the familiar ceiling. She moved her body and felt that her head was heavy and painful. As soon as she moved, she heard a voice coming from the side. action


Hearing that familiar voice full of magnetism, Ruan Shishi's original uneasiness was somehow settled.

She turns her head and sees Yu Yimo sitting on one side, her deep eyes staring at her.

She recognized that it was in the hotel.

With a dry throat, she frowned slightly and asked pleasantly, "we Come out? "

The scene after she was kidnapped was like a dream, as if everything was normal after she woke up.

Yu Yimo gave a faint hum, picked up the water cup beside him and handed it over.

Ruan Shishi sat up straight and slowly reached out to take it. After two drinks, his thoughts began to flow back.

After putting down the glass, she looked down at her clothes and was surprised.

It's not the dress she's wearing. It's wide and soft. It looks like a man's shirt.

Ruan Shishi was stunned for a moment. Two seconds later, he looked at Yu Yimo with a look of amazement. "This Did you change this for me? "

At this moment, she is in Yu Yimo's room, lying on his bed. There is no doubt that her clothes are also his

Yu Yimo raised his eyes and looked at her. There was a slight fluctuation at the bottom of his deep eyes. He picked his eyebrows and asked in a casual voice, "otherwise?"

Ruan Shishi's eyes widened in amazement when she heard the speech. She could not help but move her hand under the quilt. She felt the cloth under the loose shirt, and even the female articles in it!

He didn't do all this, did he?

For her to change the body of broken clothes, but also to help her pad the physiological period need to use sanitary napkins!

Seeing the woman's astonished expression, Yu Yimo obviously guessed what she was thinking. He frowned, his thin lips were tight, and some unnatural people didn't open their eyes and looked to one side.

If he doesn't do this kind of thing, should Du Yue let them do it?

Ruan Shishi couldn't help asking, but when the words came to her mouth, she blushed again. She couldn't ask.

She took a deep breath, gritted her teeth, put aside the question just now, recalled the experience after being kidnapped today, she couldn't help shivering.

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