The Warmest Romance

Chapter 388

Chapter 388

Professor Ruan was trembling and choking. He almost didn't mention it. "You still have the face to ask!"

One side of Ms. Liu to see the situation is not right, immediately rushed to Ruan poetry to see, "poetry, you go first! Hurry up

At this time, Professor Ruan was angry and couldn't stop him. In case of a heart attack, the situation would be even worse.

Ruan Shishi's nose was sour. Seeing his father's anger, he did not dare to delay any longer. He immediately turned and ran out of the ward.

When the door closed, she could hear the quarrel. She gritted her teeth and ran forward quickly. After walking through the corridor, she slowly stopped.

Everything was like a mess in her brain, and she couldn't figure it out.

What happened? Let father so angry, but also involved Yu Yimo

When he came out of the hospital, Ruan Shishi was walking on the street and suddenly felt very confused.

What reverberates back and forth in her mind is always what Professor Ruan said. What did she do to the Ruan family that made her always gentle father so angry.

Aimlessly along the street for half a street, Ruan Shixin such as chaos, also don't know where to go, here, mobile phone suddenly ring.

When she heard the ring of her mobile phone, she felt it slowly and took the phone without looking at it.

As soon as the mobile phone was put to my ear, song yun'an's cheerful voice came from the other end of the phone, "Shi Shi, are you off work? I'll go to see you. You can go shopping with me and choose the clothes I need to wear for the show! " action

Ruan Shishi took a deep breath at the sound. His voice was low and deep, with some apologies, "an an, I'm sorry to say, I'm afraid not today, I don't want to go..."

She has time, but she is not in the mood. If she really agrees to accompany ANN, her state will be a disappointment.

Hearing her reply, song yun'an, who was at the other end, noticed something strange and immediately asked, "Shi Shi, what's the matter with you? The voice is not quite right What's the matter? "

They are close friends and naturally know each other's emotional changes.

Ruan Shishi took a deep breath and said in a soft voice, "nothing..."

"Shishi, you want to keep it from me! Do you treat me as a friend or not! where are you? I'll go to you right now! "

Song yun'an said a lot of words, but Ruan Shishi didn't know how to refuse. At last, she took a look at the landmark beside her and said in a soft voice, "I'm across from Xingguang square."

"OK, you can find a coffee shop there. Wait for me. I'll be there in a minute."

Song yun'an finished, hung up the phone, Ruan Shishi looked at the hand of the screen down the phone, sighed softly.

At this time, if you can see song yun'an, maybe she can be in a better mood. She sees the bench on one side, walks slowly and sits down to wait for her.

I don't know how long later, Ruan Shishi looked at the traffic lights at the street corner, which had changed more than ten times. Only after that came the familiar voice, "Shishi!"

As soon as she turns her head, she sees song yun'an stopping at the side of the road and walking towards her.

"Shishi, what's the matter with you?"

Song yun'an was in a hurry. When she got to her side, she was out of breath.

Seeing her good friend, Ruan Shishi thought of what happened in the hospital. She couldn't help but feel acid in her nose and tears in her eyes.

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