The Warmest Romance

Chapter 395

Chapter 395

After going out, Ms. Liu took the door with her, took her to one side, and said in a low voice, "Shishi, we blame you for what happened today. Your father is in a bad mood in the hospital recently..."

Ruan Shishi gave her a smile and said in a soft voice, "Mom, stop talking. I understand."

She understands and can understand that Professor Ruan is under psychological pressure now, so she is naturally nervous and irritable. This is human nature. She doesn't have to be unreasonable.

"Just understand. Let me have a look at your little face. Your father slapped you yesterday It's not light. "

With that, Ms. Liu stretched out her hand, took up Ruan's chin and looked left and right.

Although Ms. Liu is always nagging and choosy about Ruan Shishi, she still loves her daughter from the bottom of her heart. Seeing that the palm print on her face is disappearing quickly, she is relieved.

Looking at such a mother, Ruan Shishi felt warm. She quickly reached for her wrist and said in a soft voice, "Mom, I have found the contact information of director Feng. I will contact him later to talk about the operation plan."

Ms. Liu smell speech, face a happy, immediately nodded, "there is contact information on the line, I heard the doctor said, your father this operation, had better do early, so the success rate is still higher."

Ruan Shishi nodded and chatted with her. Then she picked up her mobile phone and called director Feng.

When the phone is connected, Ruan Shishi politely says hello and explains his intention to director Feng.

Director Feng's words were warm and calm. He talked about the operation plan and operation time with her in a leisurely manner. After these two parts were finished, he finally talked about the cost.

From the other end of the phone, director Feng said, "about the cost, I think I should tell you first, so that you can have a heart preparation."

"Yes, you say."

"If the operation is operated by me, the total cost will be about 1.5 million yuan. In order to reduce the risk as much as possible, we will use the best imported medicine, which has small side effects and great effect. Of course, the price will be higher."

Hearing the words, Ruan Shishi's hand holding the mobile phone was slightly stiff for two seconds, and then slowly recovered, "1.5 million?"

"Yes, there may be some expenses for drug maintenance and examination later."

Kwai Shin took a deep breath and slowed down for a while before he spoke softly. "Well, director Feng, I see. When we raise enough money, we hope to operate as soon as possible."

, Feng Kwai, whispered, "if you need to get an operation as soon as possible, then try to be a bit earlier, because I have other arrangements next month, and if I push back later, the operation may not be enough."

"OK, I'll do it as soon as possible."

Hung up the phone, Ruan stood in the same place, slightly dazed.

She did not expect that the operation would cost so much money.

Over the years, Professor Ruan has been teaching in the University. Ms. Liu usually does some volunteer activities to help, and she has no income. She relies on her father's income. Although the family situation is not rich, it is still good on the whole, but the 1.5 million is not a small amount after all. I'm afraid that the family doesn't have so much money at present

She really didn't know what to do. Ms. Liu came out of the ward with a water bottle and saw Ruan Shishi standing in the same place. She immediately stepped forward and asked, "what's the matter? What does director Feng say? "


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