The Warmest Romance

Chapter 406

Chapter 406

Seeing that the woman's eyes flashed, with a bit of panic, Yu Yimo pursed her lips and said in a deep voice, "inspection work."

Then, regardless of Ruan Shishi's face, he strode away and went to his desk. action

That pair of dark deep eyes with a bit sharp, quickly skimmed over her desktop, the line of sight finally stayed in a folder on the right corner of the table.

Ruan Shishi looks at it from his eyes. She is in a panic. Before she can respond, Yu Yimo reaches out her long hand, picks up the folder and turns it over.

Ruan's heart was tight, and he felt suffocated.

That's the Japanese contract song yean gave her to translate! If yu Yimo finds out that she is secretly taking private work, the consequences will be unimaginable.

After all, Yu's group has made it clear that employees are not allowed to take private jobs in private to earn extra money.

Now she put this document in the corner of the table, and he saw it. I'm afraid

Before Ruan Shishi could imagine the consequences, Yu Yimo raised his head, his thin lips were tight, and a thin layer of anger appeared at the bottom of his eyes.

The man raised his hand, holding the document in his hand, looked her in the eyes and asked, "what's this?"

Ruan Shishi's hands could not help slowly tightening, and her eyes began to drift.

What should she say? Just admit that it's her secret job?

It's just that there seems to be something wrong.

She has been working overtime for several days, but today, as soon as she got the folder, he came here, under the excuse of inspecting the work. What's more, as soon as he came in, he picked up the folder without looking at anything else.

It's like, he knew it for a long time

Ruan Shishi's heart was empty. She bit her lip and kept silent for a long time. She finally summoned up the courage to look up at the man's cold eyes and said in a cold voice, "this is a contract that a friend of mine needs to translate. I just help him."

Yu Yimo, with his brow tightened, threw the folder on the table. "Do you know that there is a written rule in the company that it is not allowed to work in private?"

Ruan Shishi took a deep breath, clenched her fist and said, "I didn't plan to do it in the company. My off work time is my private time. I can do this, can't I?"

He must have known about it in advance before he came here. Isn't it a deliberate fault?

As soon as he thought that his every move might be under the surveillance of Yu Yimo, Ruan Shishi felt even more angry.

She took a deep breath and said in a cold voice, "Yu always rest assured that I will never use my working hours to do this, nor will it affect my other work."

Looking at the woman chin slightly raised, eyes cold, arrogant like a black swan in general, suddenly, Yu Yimo's anger is more powerful.

It is clear that she is wrong, but now it seems that he is the one who is wrong.

A few seconds later, he reached out and pressed his hands on the armrests on both sides of Ruan's chair. Then, he pulled Ruan's chair to himself with his strength.

"Wow As soon as they got closer, she could not help feeling empty. As soon as they got closer, she could smell the light wine on the man. Suddenly, she was even more flustered.

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