The Warmest Romance

Chapter 408

Chapter 408

Chapter 408

At this moment, Yu Yimo's big hand climbs up her waist, slides down without hesitation, and penetrates into the cloth without obstacles.

Ruan Shishi's face suddenly changed, and her body tensed instantly. Before she could react, the man had already pasted it to her ear. Her voice was very light, but she had some confidence in winning. "Since you hate me, why do you react?"

This sentence, like a thunder, exploded in her ear!

In this way, the straightforward words came out of his mouth. Ruan Shishi was ashamed and annoyed, and there was an unconscious heat.

Her breath was short and she couldn't help gasping, "Yu Yimo, you are shameless!"

Seeing her hairy appearance, Yu Yimo is not in a hurry. Instead, he deliberately presses her to make them close to each other.

Yu Yimo dropped his eyes and said, "right words and wrong minds."

With that, his fingers went one inch deeper. For a moment, Ruan Shishi's eyes stopped, and he blurted out unconsciously.

She uttered a voice, blushing instantly. She bit her lip and twisted her body with shame and anger. "Yu Yimo, let me go! Let go

She was extremely angry. At this moment, she was treated like this by him. Her whole life was like being roasted on the fire. There was no way out, and she was extremely ashamed! josei

But let her struggle, even if it's kicking, for Yu Yimo, it's just like a cat scratch.

And under the body, it seems that he has been ignited, hot and hot, ignited an impulse.

"Shameless! Asshole

Ruan Shiqi couldn't help scolding, but he was silent, but he didn't laugh. His lips were raised and his voice was low and dumb. He looked at the woman's angry little face, and without saying a word, he kissed it.

Dense kisses fell, brushed her cheek, closed her lips, and turned all her complaints into complaints.

The temperature in the office is getting higher and higher. Ruan Shishi feels as if she has been drugged with sweat. Slowly, her brain is out of control. Her hands unconsciously hook Yu Yimo's neck, and her body vibrates gently with her actions

I don't know how long after that, all the impulses faded away, and Ruan Shishi leaned against the table, breathing long.

What happened just now is like a dream, intense and dreamy, but incisive.

But her reason slowly recovered, and she could not help scolding herself. She had nothing to do with him, and even

The man on one side picked up the scattered documents and put them back on the table. He was dressed in a black stiff suit and outlined his perfect figure. Except for his mild black eyes, he was no different from him just now.

Seeing a little woman blushing with embarrassment, Yu Yimo said in a low voice, "I'll call you and see you home later."

At this time, he should give her some private space.

After a deep look at her, he continued, "I'll go out and wait for you."

With that, he walked out of the office.

The moment the door closed gently, Ruan Shishi was relieved. The impulse in her body had not completely faded. Ruan Shishi slowly got up, sorted out her clothes, looked at the messy desk, and tightened up.

Just now, he seemed to eat her.

She bit her lip shamefully, and immediately put out her hand to clean up the table, took things, and hesitated to go to the door.

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