The Warmest Romance

Chapter 413

Chapter 413

Hesitated, she couldn't help but ask for confirmation, "sister LAN, can I really?"

See her Zheng Leng's facial expression, LAN elder sister slightly raises lip Cape, ask a way back, "do you think you can?"

After half a second's pause, Ruan Shishi's eyes flashed and immediately said, "I can!"

Now the opportunities are in front of her. If she doesn't seize them, it's just a shame!

What's more, sister Lan said that she had a lot of bonus, so it's impossible to get less bonus this time. Planning such an activity is much faster than trying to do other part-time jobs.

Seeing her promise, sister LAN nodded slightly, picked up a thick stack of documents and handed them to her, "this is the information. You can study it. At that time, you and Li Yuan of the marketing department will hand in a plan together. If you pass the plan, you will carry out it according to your plan, and the scene also needs you to deploy it."

"I understand."

Ruan Shishi took over the information, happily, and assured sister LAN, "I will finish the task well this time, and I will not delay the administrative department any more!"

The last time she went out to study ended like that, and this time she got such a good opportunity, she would never allow herself to screw up again.

LAN elder sister sees this, slightly raised chin, light voice way, "OK, go back to work."

Ruan Shishi immediately nodded, bowed to her and said, "thank you, sister LAN!"

With that, she took the information and walked out. Unexpectedly, as soon as she opened the door of the office, she saw a man standing outside.

It's Meng Zihan.

She stood at the door, holding a stack of papers in her arms. It seemed that she had come to deliver things, but her face was slightly heavy. She didn't know how long she had been standing at the door, and whether she had heard the conversation between her and sister LAN.

No matter whether she has it or not, Ruan Shishi is not in the mood to take care of it. Holding the information, she leans slightly around Meng Zihan and goes directly to the office.

Mencius Han, who had been completely ignored, slightly turned his head and looked back at Ruan's poems. His heart was full of anger.

Just now, she was at the door and heard the conversation between Ruan Shishi and sister LAN. Unexpectedly, she was so valued by her boss recently. No matter what the opportunity was, she was given it to her!

She gritted her teeth, turned and walked into the office, delivering the papers in her hand. action

"Sister LAN, this is the document you want."

LAN elder sister light of saw one eye, light voice way, "well, put down."

She said, but Meng Zihan still stood in the same place, and did not intend to leave.

"Anything else?"

Mencius Han said, "sister LAN, you brought me all the way. I've been cared by you all the time. Have I done something wrong recently? Every time you have a good chance, you will give Ruan Shishi..."

Although she didn't finish her words, sister Kelan knew the meaning of her words very well.

She sighed and said in a soft voice, "Zihan, it's not that I don't want to help you this time, but that this activity is assigned by the superior to Ruan Shishi, and I don't have the right to decide."

Listening to Lan Jie's words, Meng Zihan's brow tightened and she couldn't speak for a long time. Her fist slightly clenched on her side, and her anger caused by jealousy surrounded her layer upon layer.

Ruan Shishi was appointed by the superior to accept the activity planning, which means that the company's senior management must have some support for Ruan Shishi.

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