The Warmest Romance

Chapter 430

Chapter 430

It's really interesting to see her angry.

Looking at his appearance, Ruan Shishi was furious. She bit her teeth and didn't say anything for a long time. Suddenly, she raised her chin, looked at him firmly and brightly, and asked, "why do you want to manage me again and again?"

Hearing this, Yu Yimo immediately remembered the scene of their quarrel in the reception hall of the company a few days ago. At that time, he was determined not to take care of her any more.

But who knows, seeing the live broadcast today, his heart seemed to be wrapped in a tight sack, heavy and stuffy. Even if there were other important things, he immediately decided to let Du Yue turn around and come.

Unexpectedly, she was ungrateful.

Yu Yimo's eyebrows tightened, but before he could speak, Ruan Shishi suddenly stepped forward. Her eyes were clear and dazzling. With some exploration, she slightly raised her chin and asked, "Yu Yimo, are you interested in me? So I can't help thinking about me? "

The voice falls, Yu Yimo's eyes are obviously bright, and then his heart is hot, and his face quickly slides over an unnatural trace.

The next second, he subconsciously denied it.

Interesting to her. How could it be?

Seeing that the man was silent and did not respond, Ruan Shishi took a deep breath and summoned up the courage to continue to ask, "did I guess right?"

Obviously, she wanted to motivate him to leave on purpose, but somehow she wanted to know his answer.

Yu Yimo raised his eyes. His cold eyes didn't fluctuate at all. He asked, "Ruan Shishi, do you think my eyes are so bad?"

In a word, the heart of Ruan's poetry was half cooled.

Yu Yimo drops this sentence, reaches out his hand, holds the woman's shoulder, and half pushes her to the ward.

Ruan Shishi was pushed to the side of the hospital bed. Before he had time to turn around, he heard the cold voice of the man coming from behind, "I promised the teacher, so I won't leave you alone."

Hearing this sentence, Ruan's heart was tight, and an indescribable sadness came to his heart.

In this way, he only cares about her in the face of his father. It seems that from beginning to end, he doesn't care about her out of his own will.

I don't know why, Ruan Shishi suddenly felt a sense of depression. She bit her lower lip. She turned around, looked at Yu Yimo with a serious face, and said, "from now on, you don't have to worry about me. If Dad asks, I will explain to him." action

Yu Yimo smelled the words and looked at her stubbornly. His heart tightened and his lips closed into a line. He didn't speak for a long time.

I don't know when the atmosphere in the room has become awkward again. Yu Yimo looks at the cold and strange little woman in front of her, and her heart suddenly sinks.

A few seconds later, he raised his hand, pressed her shoulder and sat down on the edge of the bed. "Have a rest. I'll send someone to take you back later."

With that, he turned and walked to the window, took out his mobile phone and called Du Yue.

Look at the time. The activity over there should be almost over.

As soon as the phone was dialed, no one answered. Sitting on the edge of the bed, Ruan Shishi suddenly got up and whispered, "I'll go to the bathroom."

With that, she walked out of the room.

At the moment when the door was closed, Ruan Shishi was relieved and went to the bathroom.

The man's answer is like a mantra, hovering back and forth in her mind.

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