The Warmest Romance

Chapter 440

Chapter 440

Originally, he specially ordered Du Yue to restrain song yun'an. He had something to say to Ruan Shishi alone. Unexpectedly, only two minutes later, he came back.

"Click -"

when the door is pushed open, Yu Yimo stands at the door. His tall body almost blocks the whole door. When he sees the people outside, he is stunned for half a second.

It's the delivery boy just now.

Seeing Yu Yimo, the little brother hesitated and said timidly, "you Your takeout. "

Just now, he watched two men, one breaking into the room and the other pulling people out. They acted so neatly that he thought they were criminals.

He was so scared that he wanted to leave, but the takeout didn't go out, and he didn't dare to go. He hesitated for a long time at the door before he dared to ring the doorbell again.

Yu Yimo's eyes were slightly heavy. He glanced at him faintly and reached out to take a big take away box from him.

When the door closes, Yu Yimo turns around and walks in, putting the takeout box on the dining table.

Looking at the hot pot, Ruan Shishi bit her lip, and her stomach was empty.

She inhaled deeply, looked up at Yu Yimo, and said word by word, "what's the matter, please speak quickly, I'll wait for Ann to come back for dinner."

She has been busy all morning, and then went to the hospital. She hasn't eaten until now. She is so hungry that her chest is close to her back. But now Yu Yimo is here. If he doesn't leave, song Yunan can't come back and she can't eat.

As soon as her voice fell, her stomach rang twice out of time. Her voice was not small. Yu Yimo, standing on the other side, could hear it clearly.

The room suddenly quieted down. Ruan Shishi was stunned. Her ears were a little red. She quickly opened her mouth to cover up her embarrassment, "that What's the matter with you? " action

I saw the man drooping his eyes, seriously staring at the takeout on the table. After a pause, he stretched out a slender hand and opened the bag outside.

Ruan Shishi was surprised and asked, "what are you doing?"

Just now, she and song yun'an chose the hot pot on their mobile phone for quite a long time. The ingredients and instant dishes of the hot pot are packed separately. They just need to set up a pot and they can eat it in three minutes.

Yu Yimo picked her eyebrows slightly and took out the boxes of food in a leisurely way. She said faintly, "she can't come back for a while. You eat first."

Ruan Shishi looks at the man's action like flowing water, and his chin is almost falling to the ground. It's clear that he is an intruder, but this calm man seems to be the master, and he opens her and An'an's takeout without any politeness!

She wanted to say no, but she couldn't say a word when she smelled the aroma of hot pot seasoning.

On the table is the pot and induction cooker that Ann had just prepared in advance. As soon as the switch was turned on, the bottom material was put in and water was added. Soon, the pot was boiling.

Looking at the steaming pot, Ruan Shishi stands aside and hesitates whether to "betray" song yun'an. At this time, Yu Yimo has opened boxes of ingredients and put them in.

Smelling the fragrance, her stomach began to cry uncontrollably.

Yu Yimo rolled up his sleeve and looked up at the hesitant little woman staring at the hot pot. He said faintly, "come here."

All the insistence and entanglement broke in this moment. After reciting "sorry" to song yun'an three times, Ruan Shishi went to the dining table and sat down.

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