The Warmest Romance

Chapter 446

Chapter 446

Ye Zeyu recovered, immediately picked up the tablet on the ground, saw the news above, and suddenly became a fool.

"Young master ye will meet young models in private late at night and spend spring night in private villa!"

The following photo shows him and Feng Yiyi walking into the villa like conjoined babies!

He gritted his teeth angrily, "Damn it! These paparazzi

Next to him, ye Fengpeng's angry face was twisted. He held out his hand and pointed to him tremblingly. "Ye Zeyu, this matter, I'll see how you deal with it!"

Leaving this sentence behind, he shook his hand and strode out.

He finally found a promising company to cooperate with. Unexpectedly, before a deal was reached, the scandal about ye Zeyu's lace broke out. As a result, the reputation of the Ye family was damaged. Who dares to cooperate with them!

Ye Zeyu stood in the same place, his ears were shocked by the slap, some tinnitus, he clenched his fist, the more he thought, the more angry he was.

He and Feng Yiyi have been together for some time. How can they be exposed at this time?

No! What's wrong!

All of a sudden, a picture flashed into his mind.

He suddenly remembered that when Yu Yimo came home for dinner yesterday, he mentioned the matter between him and Feng Yiyi in front of him!

The media has not been exposed for a long time, but it happened that they were exposed today when ye cooperated with Dacheng. It happened that yesterday he had a dispute with Yu Yimo, and everything had a direction.

Ye Zeyu cleared his head and felt more angry. With a wave of his hand, he swept the cup on the table to the ground. With a "pop", the cup and water fell to the ground and broke.

He almost gnashed his teeth to spit out a word, "Yu Yimo, you really dare!"

As soon as the voice fell, a secretary ran over and saw the glass fragments all over the floor and the angry Ye Zeyu. He was so scared that he couldn't advance or retreat. He asked, "Mr. Xiao Ye, you..."

Ye Zeyu swept her with cold eyes, "get out of here!"

The Secretary trembled and hurried out of the meeting room.

Ye Zeyu's eyes fell on her back. After sinking, he began to call her, "stop!"

He was slapped by his father just now. He thought that it might be Yu Yimo who did it. Now he is full of fire and has no place to vent.

Little secretary smell speech, tremble of turn back, head low way, "small leaf always have what command?"

Ye Zeyu cold hum, a pair of eyes sink down, and ye Fengpeng's eyes have seven points similar, people look at shudder.

He quickly walked over, and without saying a word, he directly closed the door of the conference room, locked it, grabbed the little secretary and pressed it on the conference table, "help me vent my fire!"

The little secretary was so scared that he turned pale. He broke away from him and retreated. "Xiao Ye, don't do this!"

Ye Zeyu's face suddenly sank. He held out his hand to hold her arm. After several struggles, he pulled it down. The little secretary almost cried and refused to compromise with tears.

After pestering for a long time, ye Zeyu didn't taste any sweetness. He was annoyed. He suddenly lost interest and scolded secretly. He swept the glass fragments on the ground beside him. His eyes flashed a trace of coldness. He pushed hard and directly fell to the ground.

"Ah action

The Secretary's hand just pressed on the fragment. When he raised his hand, his palms were full of blood and red.

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