The Warmest Romance

Chapter 448

Chapter 448

There are more than a dozen missed calls, three of which are from ye Fengpeng. On weekdays, his father would never make so many calls all at once, unless there is something extremely urgent.

The rest are from his subordinate Li Zhen.

Is something wrong?

Ye Zeyu didn't dare to delay. He immediately got up and walked out of the noisy box. He called Li Zhen back and said, "Hello, what's the matter?"

There came Li Zhen's worried voice, "Mr. Xiao Ye, don't you know? It's going to explode in the news

Ye Zeyu scratched his head and asked, "what's the matter? Isn't the news down yet? "

When Li Zhen heard the speech, he was obviously stunned for a moment. Then he responded and said, "Mr. Xiao Ye, you'd better hurry to see the news. Mr. Ye of the company has no way to deal with it. Now he can't hold down the news by throwing money. The heat has been rising."

Ye Zeyu swearing to open the hands-free, a look across the news, suddenly silly eyes.

All kinds of words of "abusing employees" and "sexual harassment" fell into his eyes. He quickly opened them and his face sank.

Unexpectedly, what he did to the little secretary was exposed! Who gave her courage!

He asked incredulously, "who did this?"

Li Zhen replied, "Xiao Chen, Secretary of the general manager's office, has resigned."

"Damn it! I didn't expect to be put on the table by that little bitch at such a time! " Ye Zeyu's forehead was swollen with green tendons. "Li Zhen, I don't care what method you use. Now you have to put down the public opinion!"

On weekdays, he is used to doing evil things in the company, and sometimes he has never suffered a loss by manipulating his female colleagues. Unexpectedly, this time, he is not only said to be silent, but also put up by the little girl in the company! action

"Mr. Xiaoye, things are still hot now, and the public relations team has tried every means to suppress the news..."

Without waiting for Li Zhen to finish, ye Zeyu angrily interrupted him, "I don't care what you do! You have to push it down! Or you'll leave right away! "

Finish saying, he directly hang up the phone, gas straight teeth, he turned around, see the man not far behind, eyebrows suddenly tightened.

Just when ye Zeyu hesitated to say hello, Yu Gubei, who was sitting in the wheelchair, took the lead in hooking his lips, as if he hadn't heard him on the phone at all, and said, "Zeyu, what a coincidence."

Ye Zeyu was in no mood. He pulled his lips perfunctorily, and was about to return to the box.

Seeing that ye Zeyu was about to open the box door, Yu Gubei suddenly called him, "Zeyu, would you like to have a drink together?"

Ye Zeyu stopped, and a faint smile appeared at the corner of his lips. He said coldly, "I have nothing to say with people who have no backbone."

At the beginning, something like that happened to Yu's family. If Yu Gu Bei wanted to abolish Yu Yimo immediately, he was still like nobody

Hearing the meaning of Ye Zeyu's words, Gu beilian said, "don't you want to suppress the news? I can help you

This sentence is obviously more effective than the previous sentence. Ye Zeyu immediately turns around and stares at him with deep eyes

Just now, Li Zhen was a little uneasy when he heard that he was in trouble on the phone. Now Yu Gubei said that he could help him, which really surprised him.

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