The Warmest Romance

Chapter 457

Chapter 457

She just I hit him!

He is silent! She hit him!

This idea flashed back and forth in her mind. Seeing that the man was about to go far away, she suddenly realized that she didn't care about the others and quickly caught up with him.

The man's step is big and fast. She almost has to trot to keep up. She follows all the way until she gets out of the bar. Yu Yimo still doesn't mean to stop.

As soon as Ruan Shishi was worried, he couldn't think of anything else. He panted and cried, "Yu Yimo!"

The man's back is slightly stiff. He walks to Maybach who stops at the roadside and frowns when he sees no one in the car.

Is Du Yue still in the bar?

He took out his cell phone and called him directly.

Ruan Shishi trotted forward, took a deep breath, and said nervously, "just now I didn't mean to

Yu Yimo's face was gloomy and frightening. He ignored her as if he didn't hear any sound.

"I really didn't mean to."

"I apologize, I'm sorry..."


After several sentences, Ruan Shishi looked at the indifferent man and had no choice.

Just when she was at a loss, the sound of footsteps came from behind, and then a man with a smile came, "Ruan Shishi."

As soon as Ruan Shishi looked back, he saw Su Yucheng standing behind her.

She was stunned. Thinking of meeting him in Thailand, she nodded to him.

Su Yucheng glanced at Yu Yimo, who was standing next to him and making a phone call with a cold face. He chuckled and said to Ruan Shishi, "come on, I have something to tell you."

Ruan Shishi was so anxious that he was out of his mind. When he said this, he thought he had a good idea. He immediately followed him to one side.

Su Yucheng's eyes were mysterious. He blinked at Ruan Shishi and asked, "what happened to him?"

Ruan Shishi bit his lip and twisted his hands together. "I hit him..."

This words a, Su Yu becomes Leng Leng, seem to have some shock, then react again, smile to ask a way, "he takes advantage of you?"? So you hit him? "

Ruan Shishi was even more embarrassed when he asked about the details. Instead of giving a positive answer, he asked, "how can I make him calm down?"

After all, it's wrong for her to hit people.

Su Yucheng pulled the corner of his lips, leisurely way, "I don't know how to do, but one thing can be sure, now you chase him to apologize, it must be useless, it's better to think about how to make up with practical action."

With that, he winked at her, turned and walked towards Yu Yimo.

Ruan's poems were slightly confused.

What does he mean by practical action?

Without waiting for her to understand, Du Yue came out of the bar, walked directly to the car and drove.

Yu Yimo gets into the car with a cold face.

Although she didn't know what Su Yucheng meant just now, what she knew was that even if she chased up to apologize at this time, I'm afraid Yu Yimo would not forgive her.

Forget it. Let's go back to the bar and find Ann first.

Ruan Shishi turns around and walks towards the bar with some lost steps.

When the car starts, Yu Yimo's eyes unconsciously sweep out of the window. When he sees the woman's lonely figure, his eyebrows tighten.action

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