The Warmest Romance

Chapter 462

Chapter 462

Ruan Shishi took a deep breath and silently counted how many talents it would be for her to turn to. She nervously looked through the report documents in her hand.

Soon, when it was the turn of the administration department, Ruan Shishi took a deep breath. Seeing sister Lan's eyes, she immediately stood up and began to report her work.

From the beginning to the end, Yu Yimo didn't pay much attention to her. In this way, her nervousness was relieved, and the whole report went smoothly.

After the work report, she sat down and breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, Yu Yimo didn't mean to embarrass her, otherwise she really didn't know what to do.

The report was continued by the representative of the next department. Ruan Shishi slowly recovered, turned his head slightly and unconsciously looked at Yu Yimo over there.

The man's face is slightly heavy, not as cold as usual, but serious.

Put forward his question for every doubt, and assign the next work. Instead of indecision and procrastination, he has an invincible king style.

Sure enough, some people are born to be CEOs.

Ruan Shishi sighed in her heart. When she was distracted, Yu Yimo suddenly turned her head and swept her eyes.

Feeling the coldness in the man's eyes, Ruan Shishi suddenly wakes up a little. She takes back her sight in a panic, and some unnatural flashed across her face.

He didn't think she was peeping at him, did he?

The head of Ruan's poem was so low that she didn't dare to look up again. She picked up the pen beside her and began to write and draw on the paper in a hurry to cover up her confusion.

After a while, Ruan Shishi was relieved to hear that Yu Yimo began to assign work.

This meeting, she was terrified. action

After more than half of the meeting, Ruan Shishi relaxed a little. She glanced at the post it note next to her. She was a little bored. She picked up her pen and drew a simple drawing of kitten on it.

It seems that she took a pen and added a sentence, "don't be angry ~"

this is an essay caricature she accidentally saw on her mobile phone yesterday. She thought it was interesting, so she copied it from her memory and drew several pictures in succession. Then she stopped.

Again, the meeting has come to an end.

Yu Yimo said to Du Yue, "collect the work reports of all departments."

Du Yue heard the speech and nodded.

Ruan Shishi looked up and saw Du Yue coming towards her. She quickly closed the report and handed it to her.

It seems that the meeting is coming to an end, and everyone has relaxed a little and has a few words in a low voice.

At this time, sister LAN approached, looked at Ruan Shishi and said in a low voice, "today's report is good."

Ruan poetry smell speech, some embarrassed hook lips, softly reply, "is Lan elder sister teach good."

The master of the conference table, Yu Yimo, raised his eyes. Seeing that Ruan Shishi was smiling and smiling, he could not help frowning.

She hit him yesterday, but today it seems like nothing happened. It's time to talk and smile.

He gathered a little displeasure at the bottom of his eyes, reached for a stack of reports sent by Du Yue, picked them up and flipped them.

After listening to the reports from various departments just now, he has a clear idea. Now he has to go over it again to make sure there are no omissions or mistakes.

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