The Warmest Romance

Chapter 474

Chapter 474

She frowned and looked at the opposite Yu Yimo and asked, "what's this?"

Yu Yimo moved his lips and said indifferently, "a contract beneficial to both of us."

"I'll bear all the expenses of the teacher's operation, as long as you can do what is stipulated in the contract."

Hearing what he said, Ruan Shishi's face suddenly became a little cold. Her hand holding the document was slightly tightened, and she bit her lip and said, "is this a kind of maintenance?"

She has seen movies and TV series with similar plots before. Some female owners will sign such contracts because they need money. Each side will get what they need.

She never thought that she would experience such a thing one day.

"Not really."

Yu Yimo's face is serious, and his tone is affirmative, "you need money to operate on my father, and I need you to help me act in front of my grandmother."

Ruan Shi frowned and asked, "why?"

Yu Yimo stared at her with dark and deep eyes and said, "because you are the one who got the certificate with me at the beginning, and grandma likes you very much. I need you to appease grandma when she is not in good health. Therefore, you only need to cooperate with me in acting, that's all."

Seeing that Ruan Shishi didn't say anything for a long time, Yu Yimo said faintly, "this is for the sake of grandma's body. If you don't want to, I won't force you."

After thinking for a moment, Ruan Shishi bit her lip and confirmed again, "is that really what we need?"

Yu Yimo nodded slightly, "abide by the provisions of the contract, for a period of one year."

Ruan Shishi was silent, his hands twisted together, and his heart was very tangled.

She didn't know whether she should promise. If she signed the contract, the burden of her family would be lightened a lot. Moreover, it was also for grandma's good. She had said that she would promise him any conditions.

After thinking about it and carefully weighing the pros and cons, Ruan Shishi turned over the contract. After a moment, he made up his mind and said, "OK, I promise."

For her father's sake and for her grandmother's sake, she would rather play with Yu Yimo.

Yu Yimo is not surprised by her choice.

Ruan Shishi gritted her teeth and hesitated for a few seconds. Finally, she picked up her pen and signed her name at the sign.

The moment she pushes the document to Yu Yimo's face, Ruan Shishi suddenly feels like she has sold herself. But when Yu Yimo raises her hand and signs her name, she knows that no matter whether she regrets it or not, everything is settled.

But anyway, her father can do the operation as soon as possible, which is a rare good news for her.

After taking a deep breath, she took a look at the time, looked at Yu Yimo and said in a soft voice, "if there's nothing else, I'll go first."

Yu Yimo took a look at her, answered casually, got up and followed her out.

When he went downstairs, Ruan Shishi heard a conversation in the living room. When he went down, he found that there was someone there. Yu Gubei was sitting in a wheelchair, talking to his subordinate Shao Zhuo.

It happened that Gu Bei turned his head and saw Ruan Shishi. His eyes flashed and he said hello to her, "Shishi, why are you here?" action

Ruan Shishi smiles at him, "I've come to see grandma."

He took control of the wheelchair, approached her, and asked in a slow voice, "are you going to leave now?"

Ruan Shishi nodded, "well."

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