The Warmest Romance

Chapter 492

Chapter 492

Chapter 492

It's her bad luck to meet Cheng Lu today. Next time, if she dares to bully her like this, she won't swallow it!

Ruan's heart was a little blocked, and he went up several steps in a row. His breath was not stable, so he held the wall for a rest.

All of a sudden, there was a footstep in the upper stairwell. Because it was quiet, she could hear it clearly.

Originally, she thought that someone was coming down, but unexpectedly, the sound of footsteps had been wandering on that floor.

She took a deep breath, almost had a rest, and was about to continue to walk upstairs, but suddenly a voice came from the upper floor.

A very low pressure of the male voice sounded, "all done."

After a pause of a few seconds, he continued, as if on the phone, "he'll go to the east side for a meeting in the afternoon, sure to go out."

"Brother, don't worry. As long as he drives out, he will not die or be disabled."


Hearing these words, Ruan Shishi suddenly felt a chill on her back. She inhaled deeply and felt inexplicable fear at the bottom of her heart.

The person who appears here must be an employee of the company. The content of his conversation doesn't seem to be open and aboveboard. When she thinks of the murders she saw in the TV series, she feels even more frightened.

Ruan Shishi was close to the wall and did not dare to move, for fear that the voice would disturb the people above.

After a while, the people above seemed to have hung up the phone. After a pause, they went out.

Listening to the sound of leather shoes, he walked away slowly until it disappeared. Ruan's breath was finally breathed out.

She carefully up to the upper floor, looking at the empty stairwell, palpitating.

She didn't know who the man was or who he wanted to kill. Although she overheard a few words, she couldn't do anything josei

Ruan Shishi sighed, recited a few words "mind your own business" in his heart, and immediately stepped forward and went upstairs.

Back in the administration department, the words she had just heard flashed through her mind, and she couldn't help being distracted.

"Assistant Ruan." Wenwen in the office area next to her came up suddenly, "didn't you go out to dinner with Xiao Han? Why didn't you see her coming back? "

Ruan Shishi hears that she has forgotten to tell her and quickly tells Xiao Han about buying her food.

"Well, I'll wait."

Wen Wen smiles, her eyes sweeping her back, suddenly pauses, "assistant Ruan, your clothes..."

After her reminding, Ruan Shishi remembered the stain on her back and said with a embarrassed smile, "I accidentally got it dirty. I'll go to the bathroom and clean it up."

When she got to the bathroom, she took off her shirt, got wet and cleaned it with a paper towel. However, she wiped it back and forth several times, and the red juice color seemed to be printed on it, which could not be cleaned.

She sighed and had to put on her clothes again. As she was about to wash her hands, two female colleagues came in while chatting.

"The plan has been changed twice this time, but it's still not very good. Later, the director will send it to the president's office. I don't know if it will be called back by president Yu for the third time..."

"You can change it later and deliver it later. Anyway, Yu is not in the company in the afternoon..."

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