The Warmest Romance

Chapter 503

Chapter 503

Chapter 503

As soon as the nurse left, there were only two of them left in the room, and the atmosphere was a little embarrassed.

Before that, the two of them didn't have a clear consciousness after drinking. This time, they were both sober. In this way, face-to-face, they would be embarrassed. josei

Du took a deep breath, summoned up courage, looked at Song yun'an and said, "An'an..."

"Well, it's getting late. It's time for me to go."

Song yun'an "brush" stand up, eyes erratic way, "you have a good rest, what's the next time to say."

Then, without waiting for Du Yue to finish the rest, she quickly walked out of the ward.

Du Yue looked at the figure disappearing at the door and had to swallow the words that came to his mouth.

Originally, he was going to tell.

Outside the ward, Su Yucheng stands at one side of the window smoking, see song yun'an red face in a hurry to leave from Du Yue's ward, fundus smile deepened.

One by one, are they so angry? Is it still in hospital?

He raised his hand to put out the cigarette at his fingertips, stepped into Yu Yimo's ward and tut twice, "guess who I saw coming out of Du Yue's ward just now?"

Yu Yimo is looking at the English contract on the tablet. He is not interested in it and doesn't raise his head when he hears it.

Su Yu, who had a preconceived idea, chuckled and deliberately dragged his voice to open his mouth, "is the Ruan poem in your ward today..."

Before he finished, Yu Yimo's face sank and his eyes looked at him coldly, "who?"

Ruan Shishi came out of Du Yue's ward?

How is that possible?

Seeing that Yu Yimo's face suddenly changed, Su Yucheng succeeded and laughed. He just said the last half of the sentence, "it's Ruan's friend, song Yunan."

Smell speech, Yu Yimo coldly glanced at him, lowered his head to continue to look at the document.

Seeing his poor reaction, Su Yucheng went to one side and sat down, lazily cocked his legs, "your face has become too fast! I've never seen a woman so special to you. When I heard her name... "

"Is it special?" Yu Yimo picks her eyebrows and points the tablet casually. "It's just a debt to her. There's nothing else. You don't have to make up so much."

The man's voice is cold and hard, and the expression on his face doesn't fluctuate too much. It's like stating a fact.

Su Yu became tut two, picked pick eyebrow, slightly lean over some, "do you think Ruan Shi will come to see you tomorrow?"

After a pause, he said, "why don't we make a bet?"

listening to Su Yucheng's constant noise in his ear, he said, with a slight frown, he looked up at him and asked, "are you too busy, Su Yucheng?"

Boring gossip like a woman.

Su Yucheng is not angry but laughs. He laughs, "it's not to ensure your safety. I'll come and guard it myself, or I'll be drunk in the gentle countryside now."

Yu Yimo glanced at him coldly and put out a cold knife, "be careful of getting sick."

Su Yucheng's romantic temperament hasn't changed in the past few years, but he is not without benefits. When he comes to business, he is serious.

Su Yucheng didn't think so. He raised his chin and continued to pull back the topic. "Seriously, I think if Ruan Shishi comes tomorrow, it can completely explain a problem. She has you in her heart."

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