The Warmest Romance

Chapter 512

Chapter 512

Now she signed the contract in a muddle. In the next year, according to the regulations, she can't have any contact with the opposite sex except Yu Yimo.

This is not to make it clear that she should become a nun and get rid of the seven emotions and six desires!

After a glass of wine, Ruan's stomach was warm, and her courage also increased. She urged song yun'an beside her, "if you like it, go and ask for contact information."

Song yun'an looks at the foreign handsome guy on the stage and laughs twice. His heart has no ups and downs.

She just said it casually, looking at the man in her eyes, but thinking of someone else in her heart. She shook her head and drank the wine in the glass.

On one side, Ruan Shishi suddenly remembered the scene of dialogue with ye Wan'er in the morning. She turned her head and looked at Song yun'an beside her and said in a soft voice, "An'an, I saw ye Wan'er this morning."

Song yun'an was excited and turned around, "ah? It's like the white moonlight

Since she knew that the purpose of Yu Yimo and Ruan Shishi was to find the source of kidney for ye Wan'er, she gave them a nickname: Yu Yimo is "slag man" and ye Wan'er is "white moonlight".

Ruan Shishi, slightly drunk, nodded and told song yun'an what ye Wan'er had said to her.

She put her arm on the cold marble table and whispered, "no wonder she is Yu Yimo's most cherished woman. I don't know why until today."

On one side, song yun'an hummed, "hum! What do you cherish most? How can I feel that ye Wan'er is not a good person! When she said this, she was showing off her position around Yu Yimo! And why would she show you her scars? It means that she has done so much for Yu Yimo that you can't compare with her at all. Let's retreat in the face of difficulties

Song yun'an's tone is straightforward, but his words are not. Ruan's poems are clear. This is exactly what ye Wan'er wants to express to her, but there is no doubt that this is the fact.

Next to song yun'an touched her shoulder, "poetry, I feel this woman is not simple at all! You have to be careful

Ruan Shishi chuckled and remained silent.

She doesn't intend to tangle with Yu Yimo any more.

Although there is that contract, she will stay away from him as far as possible from now on.

"Another drink!"

Song yun'an pushes the empty glass forward and smiles at the bartender in the bar.

This is her third drink.

Seeing this, Ruan Shishi had a bad feeling in her heart. She pressed her hand and said with a smile, "no, no, she's almost drunk."

If she is allowed to drink like this again, I'm afraid she will start to get drunk again.

"Shishi, don't stop me, just let me have a good drink!"

As song yun'an spoke, he leaned his head on Ruan Shishi's shoulder and suddenly said, "you say Why do I always think of Du Yue in my mind? " action

In ten minutes, this is the fifth time that Ruan Shishi heard her mention the name.

Ruan Shishi bowed his head and said solemnly, "An'an, I have to say you like others. Why do you refuse?"

"Who likes him! I'm not! "

Song yun'an waved his hand and said, "why did he take advantage of me as soon as he came up? What does he think I am? "

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