The Warmest Romance

Chapter 517

Chapter 517

Chapter 517


"OK, have a rest early. I'll see you tomorrow."

After sending the news, Ruan Shishi feels a little better. Recently, she has been used to asking about her father and mother for several days.

In a few days, it's time for her father to have an operation. Director Feng specially told her that before the operation, the patient's condition is very important, and naturally, she also pays attention to it from time to time.

As long as the operation can be successful, her efforts in this period of time will not be in vain, and the contract will not be in vain.

The next day, as soon as the alarm clock rang, Ruan Shishi immediately got up and went to the supermarket to buy fresh fish and prepare stew.

The soup had been cooked for two or three days in a row, and now she was much more proficient.

She turned to do something else and put on an embroidered dress. When she returned to the kitchen, the soup was almost cooked.

With everything ready, she went straight to the hospital with her lunch box.

It is also a very happy thing for her to watch her father drink the fish soup made by herself.

When he got to the hospital, Ruan Shixing rushed to the ward and directly pushed the door in, "Dad, mom, I..."

She is saying, lift an eye to see the person inside the house, unconsciously Leng Leng.

Professor Ruan half sits on the bed, one side is Ms. Liu, and the other side is Yu Yimo!

Shouldn't he be in the hospital? How did she suddenly run to her father's ward?

Ring out yesterday Ye Wan son says of words, her facial expression instant Leng Leng, "how are you here?"

Hearing the unwelcome meaning in her tone, Yu Yimo raised her eyebrows slightly and looked down slightly.

This woman, whose face changes faster than turning over a book, told him to stew soup for him yesterday. In the twinkling of an eye, she ran to another man at night, and her attitude towards him became so cold.

Professor Ruan noticed the uncomfortable emotion between them. He coughed softly and said to Ruan Shishi, "Shishi, don't be so impolite. Yimo was hurt a little. He happened to be in this hospital. He just came to have a chat with me."

Ruan Shishi frowned and was puzzled.

Why is he in this hospital?

She glanced at Yu Yimo and said nothing more. She stepped in, put down the fish soup and said, "I stewed the soup. Dad, you can have some later."

As soon as his voice fell, Yu Yimo stood up and said, "teacher, if there's nothing wrong, I won't disturb you."

Professor Ruan nodded and said gently, "don't disturb me. Yimo, when you are free, come to me and have a chat. We can still get rid of our boredom!"

Once upon a time in college, Yu Yimo was his favorite student. Later, even if he entered the society and ran the company, he still had a common topic with him.

"Well, I'll see you again sometime."

Yu Yimo smiles and is about to leave.

Seeing this, Professor Ruan immediately looked at Ruan Shishi, "Shishi, there's a wound on his leg. Go and see him off."

Ruan Shishi took a look and said, "can't he go by himself?"

Professor Ruan's face was a little heavy when he heard the speech.

Ruan Shishi takes a deep breath, reluctantly steps forward and goes out behind Yu Yimo.

As the door closed, Ms. Liu couldn't help but say, "what are you doing, old Ruan? Don't all the poems say that they are impossible?"

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