The Warmest Romance

Chapter 528

Chapter 528

LAN's face was serious. "It's OK to ask for leave, but do you know how many times you've been late and left early in the past half a month?"

Ruan Shishi's hands were twisted together, and he was a little uneasy.

Today, she was late, and last week, she was late again. Last time, she ran to stop Yu Yimo's car and disappeared all afternoon. There were several times.

"Ruan Shishi, although you work very hard on weekdays, these are undeniable facts. I'm sorry, I can't give you any criticism this holiday."

Sister Lan said, pushing her leave application to her.

Ruan Shishi gritted his teeth and understood in his heart.

The company does have such a requirement. There are approval conditions for more than three days' leave.

LAN elder sister looked at her one eye, light voice way, "if you really need, can go up to apply, superior approval, my side also easy to say."

"I see. Thank you, sister LAN."

Ruan Shishi went out of the office with some loss, and had no choice for a while.

Now she can only ask Yu to approve the holiday?

After thinking about it, Ruan Shishi didn't think of a better idea. In the end, she had to summon up her courage and planned to go to Yu Yimo to talk about asking for leave.

In the twinkling of an eye, in the afternoon, Ruan Shishi arrived at the president's office and was hesitating to knock on the door. Unexpectedly, an ran suddenly came over and asked, "are you looking for Mr. Yu?"

Ruan Shishi nodded.

An ran said, "Yu is not here now. Maybe he won't come back today. Come back tomorrow."

Ruan Shishi heard the speech, hesitated, nodded, turned and walked slowly to the elevator.

Not far away from the fire exit of the stairs, a man seems to inadvertently look over there and sweep to the figure of Ruan Shishi. There is a trace of coldness at the bottom of his eyes. As soon as he turns around, the figure disappears at the exit of the stairs.

Back to the administration department, Ruan was worried all the way.

If yu Yimo is not there, she will not be able to apply for leave. If she delays, her father will not know if it will be delayed. action

She took the mobile phone, hesitated for several times, but did not dial the phone.

At this time, the door of the office was knocked, and then a colleague opened the door, "assistant Ruan, someone is looking for you outside."

After hearing this, Ruan Shishi said thanks to her colleagues with a smile. Then she got up and walked out.

At this time, someone is looking for her. Who will it be?

Out of the administration department, she saw a man standing outside.

The man saw her and took the lead to come forward, "Hello, are you Ruan Shishi?"

After a pause, Ruan Shishi nodded and said, "I am."

"It's the person from the president's office who asked me to take a message, saying that Yu always has something to ask you, so you can come with me."

"Yu Zong?"

Ruan Shishi was a little surprised. Just ten minutes ago, she went to the president's office. An ran clearly said that Yu Yimo was not in the company and might not come back today. How could he suddenly come back at this time?

The man nodded and said seriously, "Mr. Yu came back to get things. I heard that you went to the president's office to find him, so I said to see you by the way. Now he is waiting for you in the underground parking lot."

Listening to him, Ruan's doubts dissipated. She nodded and glanced over the man's work card, Li Sen.

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