The Warmest Romance

Chapter 531

Chapter 531

Chapter 531

At this time, a sudden bell rings, which interrupts the strange atmosphere.

Ruan Shishi heard the familiar bell, subconsciously looked up at the past, saw his mobile phone on the front seat! josei

She was nervous, and the next second she saw Leeson reach out and take the phone directly.

The screen is flashing and the bell is still ringing.

Li Sen took a look at the remarks on the screen, and suddenly became interested. He had a bad smile on his face. He picked up his mobile phone and shook it at Ruan Shishi. "You say, what if I take this call?"

Ruan Shi's eyes sank, and his back stiffened a little.

It's dad!

How could he call her at this time?

Seeing that Li Sen's finger was about to press the answer button, Ruan Shishi immediately shook her head madly, stuffed the cloth in her mouth and made a "Wuwu" sound.

This call can't be answered!

Professor Ruan is going to be ready for an operation these days. He must not be stimulated. If he hears that his daughter has been kidnapped, he will go crazy!

Li Sen didn't expect Ruan Shishi's reaction to be so big. For a moment, he was rebellious. He pressed the answer button directly.

Seeing that Ruan Shishi's face was stiff, he pressed hands-free with pride.

The next second, a voice came from over there, "hello? Poetry... "

It's Professor Ruan's voice!

Ruan Shishi's back was stiff and his whole body was cold. At that moment, his heart was only despair.

Professor Ruan on the other end of the phone didn't hear the response, so he continued to call twice, "poetry? Hello

Li Sen sneered and uttered a deep voice, "poetry? Your daughter? Don't cry. I've tied her hands and feet, and her mouth is blocked. She can't speak

As soon as the words came out, there was a moment of silence on the other end of the phone. Two seconds later, Professor Ruan's voice trembled and said, "you Who are you? "

"Don't care who I am. In a word, your daughter's meddling has offended me. Now she is in my hands. It's not right every day, it's not working!"

Then he gave another sneer.

Ruan Shishi only felt that all the blood in her body was surging up for a moment. She sobbed and struggled hard, but she didn't threaten Li Sen at all. But at last, she bowed her head and pushed her head towards Li Sen. unexpectedly, Li Sen raised a hand and stuck her neck.

"Bitch! Screw you

He scolded and pushed Ruan Shi aside.

He angrily pushed the door open and got out of the car, slammed the door shut, turned to the front seat, glanced at his mobile phone, and said angrily, "old man! You really have a good daughter! With such a sense of justice and meddling in other people's affairs, it's hard to protect yourself in the end! "

At the same time, Professor Ruan on the other end of the phone, holding his cell phone, turned pale in an instant.

Miss Liu, who was busy pouring water, noticed that it was wrong. She quickly put down the thermos and said, "what's the matter, old Ruan?"

Professor Ruan's facial expression trembled, and his hand shaking slightly, "you You let my daughter go

But just then, the phone had been hung up.

Liu did not know why, looking at the situation in front of her, she quickly asked, "what's the matter? What's wrong with he

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